chapter 12

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"Me and caleb will be at the mannor when we are done" parker said as caleb grabbed her and they shimmered away a few minutes later thwy shimmered in the living room and they see piper, phoebe and primrose waiting for them they have a wolf pup and a lion cub "aww they are so cute what are their names" primrose said "the lion cubs name is snow because of her white fur and the wolf pups name is midnight because of her black fur" caleb said "we need your help with our demon problem they have been atracking more frequently so you might need to stay for a week" phoebe said "ok let us just go and put snow and midnight upstairs in my room" parker said "ok parker just let me know if you need anything" piper said "i will" parker said as she walked up the stairs a few minutes later parker walked back down the stairs and she goes into the living room then a bounty hunter appeared infront of parker "oh come on cant i have a peaceful day for once!" Parker yelled as she tried to use her chaos powers but they got out of control so the demon died all of the whitelighters and demons in the room orbed or shimmered out of the way and they grabbed the people who couldnt then they came back "im sorry guys i hate my chaos powers they have been out of control sence prue died" parker said "its ok i get it parker your still learning to control your powers its going to happen" piper said "thank you for understanding" parker said "anytime you need anything dont hesitate to call"  phoebe said "i wont thank you guys" parker said

The next day

[Scene: On the road in Piper's car. Piper, Phoebe, Primrose, Parker and Cole are in it. Cole is driving, Parkera's in the passenger seat, and Phoebe, Piper, Primrose's in the backseat. The car screeches around the corner.]

Parker: Okay, turn left up here. And can you step on the gas a little?

(Cole screeches around the corner, nearly hitting a taxi. Phoebe and Primrose lets out a yelp, and the taxi driver honks his horn.)

Phoebe: Off the gas! Off the gas!

(She pats him on the shoulder.)

Cole: Does somebody else want to drive here?
Piper: Phoebe, the demon is not waiting around for us to come and vanquish him.

Primrose: We don't even know if we have enough power to vanquish him. Scrying for random evil tells us nothing.

Parker: It tells us where the demons are and since we vanquished two already this week, I say it's working pretty well.

hoebe: Yeah, thanks to Cole for saving our butts your lucky we dont tell Caleb and Leo. Four witches and half a demon is not the Power of five make.

Piper: So what are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait for them to pick us all off? If we weren't going after them, they'd be coming after us.

Cole: They're coming after you anyway, Parker. Piper, The Source is coming after you. He wants you parker not your sisters he dosent care if they live just if you live

Phoebe: And we won't be ready for him because instead of teaching Paige how to be a witch, we're out hunting for every Tom, Dick and Beelzebub in San Francisco.

Cole: Speaking of, do we have any kind of plan here or...?

Parker: The plan is to vanquish the demon.

Cole: Great. Any chance you've mastered your powers or are you still using one or all of your chaos powers at random? And you piper are you still freezing and blowing things up at random?
(Phoebe hits him lightly on the shoulder.)

Parker & Piper: Random, but you know what they say, there's nothing like field practice. Turn here! (Cole screeches around another corner and drives down an alley.) Stop! (Cole slams on the breaks. A bald demon is in the middle of strangling a man. Piper, Phoebe, Primrose, Parker and Cole get out of the car.) Hey! Big scary demon!

(The demon turns around and the man escapes from his grip and runs away. The demon's eyes glow bright red. Parker and Piper uses their power and the demon bloats up. His face turns red.)

Cole: He's gonna blow!

(Phoebe, Primrose and Cole quickly jump back in the car and shuts the doors. The demon explodes and green goo splats on the front of the car. Cole turns on the windscreen wipers. Parker and Piper walks over to the car and opens the passenger doors.)

Parker & Piper: Next!

(Parker and Piper grins and gets in the car. Phoebe,, Primrose and Cole look at each other, then at Parker and Piper, who are still grinning.)

[Scene: South Bay Social Services. Paige is at her desk reading a Witches and Witchcraft book.]
Paige: (in her head) Throughout history, witches have been misunderstood, persecuted and destroyed. The public hanging, drowning, and burning of women suspected of witchcraft is a far more recent chapter of our history then most people realise.

r. Cowan: Paige.
(Paige quickly puts down the book and picks up a folder.)
Paige: Yeah?
Mr. Cowan: What's the hold up on the O'Brien application?
Paige: Well, at the moment, the only hold up is my boss, who's standing over me distracting me from my work.
(She smiles awkwardly.)
Mr. Cowan: Nice teeth. Have it on my desk by noon.
(He walks away. Paige whispers to an employee standing across the room.)
Paige: Lila! What's the O'Brien application?
Lila: Adam O'Brien, the foster kid we're trying to get into the boarding school.
Paige: Oh my god.
Lila: The scholarship application is due, like, today.
Paige: I am so lame. (Billy, a young guy with bad acne, pushes the mail cart in front of Paige's desk. He puts her mail on her desk.) Aw, Billy, I thought I told you to throw anything from creditors in the trash.
(He smiles. A man (Donnie) approaches him.)
Donnie: Hi, Pizza-face. Look, I understand how difficult it is to tear yourself away from the cleavage in this section. (Looks at Paige.) But I'm gonna need my mail sometime today. Okay?
Billy: No problem.
Donnie: Go, go.
(Billy walks away. Donnie gives Paige a sleazy look and walks across the room.)
Paige: Nice rug.
(Donnie's toupee orbs off his head and into Paige's hand, revealing his bald spot.)
Donnie: What the hell?
(Donnie looks around. Paige is shocked and drops the toupee in a trash can. Employees laugh and giggle at Donnie. He covers his head with a sheet of paper and walks away. Paige quickly leaves her desk.)
[Scene: Manor. Attic. Piper, Primrose, Parker Phoebe and Cole are there. Parker crosses out The Kevmay page in the Book of Shadows while Phoebe looks on.]
Phoebe: Oh, I know that you're happy that we got him Parker, Piper but is it entirely necessary to disfigure the book?
Parker: Hmm, this one could incinerate human flesh with his eyes. That must sting.
Cole: You think that's funny? You could have gotten yourself killed. Do you understand that?
(He walks over to Parker and Piper.)
Piper: Yes, Cole, we understand killed very well.
Cole: Then why would you want to keep risking your lives, Phoebe and Primrose's, not to mention mine? There's a legion of Bounty Hunters on my ass. I'm supposed to be laying low but instead, I'm out protecting you guys. I am telling Caleb i am done keeping this a secret from him
Parker:i never asked you to keep this a secret! (parkers powers shot out of ber body and she pushed Primrose into the couch) I-i-im so sorry Prim i-i didnt mean to hurt you
Piper:Max! (Max orbed in then he ran over to Primrose while Parker was standing there shocked)
Primrose:its ok parker it happens i am not hurt that much dont worry
Phoebe:Max can you take prim to her room for me

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