Getting ready

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'Beep,Beep,Beep' "Ugh.." I say as I awake. I look at the clock and it reads '6:30' "Shit" I say panicking to get up as I stand up I realize its Sunday. I lay right back down with my arm laid across my head. My phone starts to buzz, I pick it up and look at it to see a reminder I set earlier, it read ' Pack for Hogwarts '. Now I'm panicking, I have yet to pack ANYTHING and I have to leave at 7 to be to the train station! I jump out of bed realizing I'm just in my boxers I rush to grab a hoodie and some jeans. I run into the bathroom and change. I run out saying I'll Brush my teeth, brush my hair, and put  deodorant on after I pack since I need to pack those too. I finish packing everything I need. I just need to get my bathroom stuff. I walk in and put on my deodorant, brush my teeth, I started brushing my hair, but this mess of blonde hair doesn't want to be tammed. I pull the brush through my hair, "Ow! Motherfucker!" I whisper yell. "Watch your language william." Spoke my dad. oh I've yet to introduce myself haven't i? Well, hello I'm William potter. I was adopted by Draco, and Harry Potter when I was around the age of 2-3. Just for context, I call Draco, Dad and Harry, Father. "Sorry dad...But my stupid hair is so tangled I can't get the brush through it!" I say embarrassed. "Let me see it." He says snatching my hair brush out my hand, he starts to pull the brush through my hair roughly. "OW! Dad stop!" I yell, "Hush, No matter who, or what anyone does to this mess, it will Still hurt" he speaks continuing to brush my hair. Surprisingly he got my hair brushed, it hurt...Extremely hurt. My head tingles now. "There. Now go pack your bathroom stuff, we've got to leave soon." He says putting the brush down and patting my shoulder "Yes sir" I say as he leaves my room and I start getting my bathroom stuff in a bag. I bring the bag over to my suit case and put it in, and zip it up. I grab my phone and some headphones, put some music on and head downstairs with my suitcase. "Finally." My dad says under his breath, "There's my boy!" Father says, "Here I'll take your bag.", "Oh okay. Thanks" I say handing my suitcase to him. Father takes the bag out to the car, dad follows him, before I leave I grab some fruit snacks and run out to the car. I get in, and we start heading to the train station.



Thanks for reading if you want to read this with music I made a playlist! Its on spotify if you want to look it up the name is Lovers from afar and my acc is Kennys emo wife. Anyways bye!                                               


Lovers from afar (rewrite of Sly Potter)Where stories live. Discover now