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             Craig pov.                                                          TIME SKIP 

I went to my locker Clyde followed me so we could talk about me confessing to Tweek tomorrow. This is the first time I feel anxious about doing something, I could ruin our friendship.

"Okay I got an idea maybe just start by  flirting then tell him you like him" Clyde said. Why did I choose this man he was the worse ideas.

"Yeah, no." I responded. I would make a fool of myself if I did that first of all im horrible at flirting and second flirting is just genuinely werid.

"Why? Come on i thought you were going to take my help" he wined, honestly I wish I never asked him.

"No bye." I responded before leaving him and walking with Tweek to our next class. He was quiet and it looked like he was panicking he was shaking more than usual and he was twitching. He stopped twitching like in 6th grade because he grew out of it but I feel like something is wrong if he's twitching a lot.

"Dude are you okay?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder. He immediately turned around.

"I-i g-guess." He said anxiously. Something is definitely off.

I sat in my seat and Tweek sat somewhere else than where he sat before he used to sit next to me now he sat in front of me. And now kenny had to sit next to me. Probably going to talk about a random teacher's boobs or some shit. The teacher came in and then at that second kenny turned to me and whispered.

"That teacher has huge juggs." He said his vocie was slightly muffled. Knew it and What the actual fuck?

"I'm not into that shit y'know?" I whispered back he just rolled his eyes and went back to paying attention.

Now I need to think about what I'm going to do tomorrow maybe I could go straight to the point or make small talk then tell him I like him-

"Craig Tucker pay attention!" The teacher yelled. I nodded knowing damn well I'm not going to pay attention.

       TIME SKIP‼️

I walked to Mr garrison's classroom for detention Tweek followed behind me.

"Not surprising to see you here again." Mr faggotson said. I meant Mr garrison. I sat in a seat in a back and Tweek sat next to me in the back and we talked for the rest of the detention so we wouldn't get bored he was so cut-  No what the fuck. He was still a little panicky but he wasn't twitching anymore so whatever it was its over I think? One hour passed then we left to go home when I made it home my parents talked to me about the whole detention. At least tomorrow is Saturday and then I'll confess so I'm nervous as fuck. I went to my room and went to sleep.

489 Words.

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