Chapter 3

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I continue through the rest of my classes for the day, there's 6 classes in a day and I just finished my 4th class, Abby still hasn't came back to school. So it's math... or science? This couple of days are confusing my brain so much! Okay, it's science I think, I grab my science binder and nearly run into Heath.
"Ahh, oh sorry!", stutters Heath, "I couldn't understand too much about why Abby hates you other than something about a text you sent her?"
"Interesting..." I unknowingly say out loud.
"Well it's not really um... my business but if you want I can err tell you more, heh...", why does he care so much?
"Uhh, sure?", I reply, "so you're kinda like my spy?"
"Yeah! um... yes.", He says awkwardly, "can I have your SnapChat? Like to tell you stuff!" Why so enthusiastic? Geez, calm down!
"Sure, why not!", I hope I don't sound sarcastic, "So my first and last name is Hazel Carter"
"Um, Heath Donovan!" He then smiles which shows his dimples and walks off sort of dazed. Weird, is this the middle school equivalent of getting a guy's number? "Ding" I look down at my phone and see that he's already added me as a friend on SnapChat, that wasn't fast at all.
Well I'm going to be late for class if I don't hurry up!

*After school*

Now that I have my own time I can see what I apparently sent Abby over text! I go to the Messages app and to the texts I've had with Abby. What the freak!? I don't see any messages, I've texted her billions of times yet all are texts are deleted! Did someone hack me? Is this a prank? A prank that went way to far? I'm surprised that she hasn't blocked me yet, well I might as well text her and see what "I did".
"Hey Abby! I'm really really sorry about what i apparently said. I'm guess it was probably over text because I haven't said anything rude to you in person and I may have just been hacked so please don't get mad at me, hope ur doing well" I hesitate to send but I do it anyways. I hope I don't regret sending that! "Ding" oh, it's a text from Heath. Perfect timing! I clicked on the notification on the top of my screen which says "Heath Donovan is typing..." I look at his little bitmojis, both him and his bitmoji has strawberry blonde hair, grey-blue eyes and freckles. He sends the message and it reads: "HAZEL I NEED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!" wow...

I will not continue this story, this is because not enough readers.

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