Okay.. What?!

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Chatter. Thats all Hailey could hear. She stared at the yellow wall inside of her locker and wanted to scream in it, hoping maybe everyone around her would shut up. But she wanted to scream into her locker so nobody could know its her who really wanted the silence. It was weird.

She shut her locker and turned to Luke and Zander pined up against each other, seeing Luke's teammates walk up to them. Hailey gulped and taped Zander. He rolled his eyes and looked at Hailey, "Yes?" He asked annoyed. Hailey crossed her arms at his annoyance, "Sorry, I was just telling you I was gonna go..". She pointed her thumb the other way. Zander sighed, surprisingly having a sorry look on his face. "I'll see you later" He gave her a slight smile and turned to Luke again. The only reason why he was being a little nice is because Shannon had told him to take it easy on her, and he had been suspecting weird vibes from her regardless of Shannon saying anything.

Hailey gave him a small wave and walked away, moving through the crowds and the tight spaces. She was heading to her first class, Chemistry. The class she sat next to Jake in.

Okay Hailey, don't be weird today. She thought and nodded. She gripped her books to her side and opened the classroom door, and walked in the room. The chatter died down in this classroom compared to the hallway, but it still wasn't plain silence. Her eyes darted to her desk, seeing Jake sitting down and talking to the people in front of him. She then glanced at her empty seat next to his and smiled, glad that it wasn't taken. She always feared it would be. She looked to the right of Jake to see Drew sitting there, looking under the table, seemed to be on his phone. She shrugged and walked to her seat.

Jake looked up from who he was talking to and saw Hailey walking towards him. He gave her a light smile and looked at her seat, eagerly waiting for her to sit down. It's like he hasn't talked to his best friend in forever.

Hailey placed her books on their shared lab desk and sat in her seat. "Hey Hailey." He leaned on his hand to see her face. She reflected his position and smiled. "Hi Jake." They sat like that and laughed quietly.

Jake left the pose and looked forward, trying not to look to the other side of him to see Drew. Every 5-10 minutes he would feel eyes darting into him, it felt like they were shooting lasers in his soul. But it got better because before it would feel like every 2 minutes. Hailey knew he was kind of uncomfortable with sitting next to Drew, but she couldn't lie, he was doing a lot better than she would ever do.

"Why didn't you answer my text yesterday?" Jake asked quietly and tapped the table with his fingers.

"My mom took my phone." She sighed. "But what did you text me?"

"Well..." A smile rose on his face. "Daisy asked her to help me with her charity work yesterday, and I helped." He said proudly. Hailey wasn't even paying attention, as soon as she heard Daisy's name she knew it was just "progress" as he liked to call it. "Oh, cool." Hailey nodded. Jake looked at her suspiciously, "The reason why I'm bringing this up right now is not just because of progress if thats what you're thinking," he blushed, "it's because she told me that she thinks something huge will be announced today." That was partially a lie. He did tell her to keep her updated on progress, but he felt a little embarrassed when she wasn't really excited about it. So he added that little extra part which was true.

Hailey's eyes lit up. "Finally, something exciting. But didn't she get kicked out of student council?" She asked, curiously. Jake nodded, "I think they were planning this for a while though, so thats probably why she kn-"

"Quiet down class!" The teacher said and crossed her arms. She eyed each and every one the children and picked up a pack full of envelopes. Hailey watched her hold the envelopes, wondering what it was. Was it report cards? No, too soon. Money the school was asking for? Maybe. Expellition letters? She hoped not. She crossed her fingers under the table and Jake spotted her, raising an eyebrow. "This is probably what Daisy was talking about, I'm sure it's not bad." Hailey nodded at his reassurance, still crossing her fingers tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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