act fourteen { in memorial of thy serenity }

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"No, no, Chibiusa! You can't be helping Miya do that to Mako!"

"Ugh, this is the worst . . ."

"There we go, that's better! See? There's no need to be fighting right before breakfast."

Usagi stared at her twin sister with a hard gaze before her eyes lolled to the three kids swarming her. It was like bees flocking to their queen's every need. The blonde rolled her eyes seeing her sister fail to sit down. 

Since Usagi opened her eyes that morning, her sister's attention had been hogged by the three goblins. Chibiusa needs this, Mako needs that, how about me?! A furious bubble of flames burned in the girl's gut. Usagi was sick of it. Like her morning wasn't hectic, Miyako fed the first fork-full of eggs and sausage to Mako as Miya sat on Miyako's left with Chibiusa beside her.  

"They're hogging all of Miya-chi's attention! This is all unfair--"

"Usagi, are you going somewhere?"

The call of her sister's innocent voice surprised the girl. Miyako cocked a brow, seeing the locks of her sister's hair peek from the wall. Slowly and steadily Usagi beamed an odd smile before looking down at the bag in her hand.  

"Uh, yeah. Today is Rei's school festival, but we're all meeting up for ice cream before. Do you wanna come?" 

If only you asked earlier. A sigh of resignation passed Miyako as she wiped the girls faces. Tea spilled against their cheeks. The small pause gave her mind to think. If only Usagi had asked earlier, she would've made a deal with her mother on who would watch the kids in the morning. 

"You know that mom went to meet her friends and dad's working all day. That leaves no one else except me to watch the kids." Something dropped in the girl's gut, but she pushed it off herself before speaking again. A pinching pain hurt her smile. "I'll see if we can all drop by later Oh, and tell the girls that I say hi."

Usagi waved her a speedy farewell before she escaped any and all babysitting duties. The click of the front door sealed Miyako's job for the day and she wasn't against it. Between her siblings, she was the best suited for this kind of responsibility and she enjoyed it herself. Kids (when they were fed and smelled nice) were the cutest things in the world and these kids liked her best. If the kids loved her, she loved them. The radio's gently music filled the background while the quartet ate their breakfast.  

"Thank you for the food, Miyako!"

After a hug of thanks, the kids cleared the table. Even if he struggle to reach the tap, Mako managed to fill the sink while Miya and Chibiusa bussed the dirty dishes to him. "You guys don't have to wash the dishes--"

"No, we want to!" Miya lifted her soapy hands in the air. A wide smile spread across her face. "We never get to wash dishes or clean, so this is really fun."

The girl couldn't hide a lie if she wanted to so hard. Miya's voice didn't tremble when she spoke, she stood tall and didn't take no for answer. The girl's stare reminded the teen of her sister--nothing could shake the girl's resolve. "Well then, I'm not stopping you guys." With crossed arms, Miyako watched the trio form an assembly line washing dishes before she went to chane in her room. 

Miyako's pajamas were swapped for a new white day-dress. The lace trim brushed her calves while she twirled to secure her buns with gold ribbon. A yellow purse matching the bright sun was strapped around her shoulder before she slipped into ballet slippers at the door. Right behind her down the stairs was Miya holding a white and beaded parasol, Mako wore a sun-hat and Chibisa bared flashy sunglasses.  

"Wow, you three came prepared." Hyper energy soared under the kids feet when the door released them to the outside world.  

Stepping into the hot day, the quarter basked in the warmth. Where they wanted to go mattered to where their steps led them. When asked earlier, Chibiusa said just walking around would be nice, but Miyako wanted them to see the beauty their city had to offer. Especially with summer coming, festivals and parks were bound to bloom. Right as their walk started quarreling broke out behind Miyako's back. Miya reached out for Miyako's dominant right hand, but was yanked back by her brother.  

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