Another One

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Hellllooooo my beautiful readers. So I'm back with another one. I've been working on this book for forever. It's not done yet, but I'm loving where it's going. You'll notice I changed the name of August Alsina to Arrow Ashes. And all other famous names are now changed. I just wanted to move this book away from a fanfic to being a normal book. First chapter coming soon. Let me know what you guys think of the cover and all

In a world plagued by a generations-long feud between their families, Kain Romano and Aaliyah Ashes find themselves drawn to each other against all odds. As their forbidden love blossoms, they navigate the treacherous waters of loyalty and sacrifice. Kain becomes Aaliyah's rock, rescuing her from her inner demons, but their growing connection forces them to confront a heart-wrenching decision. Will they defy the forces that seek to keep them apart and fight for their love, or will they choose to sacrifice their own happiness to protect their cherished friendship? Amidst danger and uncertainty, their unwavering bond will be tested, revealing the true strength of their connection and the path they ultimately choose to follow. Alongside their loyal friends, Alora, Algee, Reign, Austin, CJ, Simi, and Josh, Peter, Aera, Jasmine, and Roman they navigate the tumultuous currents of life, discovering their true selves and the depth of their feelings. Together, they must decide whether to brave the stormy seas of forbidden love or sacrifice their happiness to preserve their cherished friendships, as their strength and resilience are put to the ultimate test.

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