51. Dissonance

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Thanks to BakaMarimoMarimoBaka for your comment.

Thanks to KumaZura for proof reading this chapter.


Thanks to their last call and the distribution of his apple pastries, Sanji finally had the joy of making new desserts for his friends and for two days that they had set sail again, sorbets and various fresh fruit bowls were coming after every meal.

That morning, he was about to slice a pineapple for lunch when an awful high-pitched screech was heard from the deck. The cook's knife almost escaped from his hands while another much more low-pitched but equally unbearable sound was heard a second later. Both worried and annoyed, the blond left his utensils to inquire where these noises were coming from.

He only had to lean over the railing of the first floor to discover their origin in the grass of the Sunny. Around Brook, Luffy blew with excitement into a trumpet, Usopp tapped the keys of a music keyboard, Franky tuned his guitar and Chopper admired his flute from every angle. Sanji winced frankly. Did the musician of the crew really have the idea of creating a marching band with these fanatics? He knew that Franky was doing well since he had already seen him at work but he wasn't sure the others had even an ounce of knowledge in this area.

After this observation, he jumped again a few moments later when Luffy blew with all his strength in his trumpet, probably indicating the Sunny's presence to all the crews in the region. Brook tried to correct his student, but the navigator arrived before, tumbling down onto the deck like a fury.

"What the hell is this, you want us to become an open target from miles around?!" She roared.

"I'll show them how to do it, don't worry," the skeleton immediately promised her.

He grabbed his violin and started a soft melody, announcing the rhythm to his crewmates. From his perch, Sanji suddenly spotted the swordsman who was watching them out of the corner of his eye a little further. Very likely snapped out of his meditation, he had come to see what was going on and his withdrawn air confirmed to the cook he didn't really appreciate the new hobby of the crew.

Franky soon accompanied the official musician with some well placed chords and Sanji mentally approved his initiative. So long as the other three don't get started, this pleasant and light tune suited him perfectly. Besides, Nami agreed with him because after nodding positively, she went back to her maps in her room.

Sanji then met Zoro's absent gaze on him from the deck. He flashed him an amused smile in return but the fencer seemed lost in thought and he didn't react. Yet his intent observation eventually brought the swordsman's attention to his person and the cheerful musical notes around them made the blond want to tease him. Yet his playful smile didn't seem to please his companion because the latter snapped shut before turning his back. Rolling his eyes, Sanji watched his figure moving away towards the crow's nest.

Zoro had been grumpy for the past few days and he didn't understand why. His main assumption was that maybe the fencer was still dissatisfied with his training since the loss of control he had experienced. Quickly leaving aside the possible reasons for the mood swings of the mosshead though, the cook shrugged and lit a cigarette. He wasn't going to run after him to ask questions. He knew it was useless anyway.

He then quickly went down the stairs to his other crewmates.


"Hey, Sanji-bro, you're gonna join us?" The cyborg greeted him with excitement.

"I'm just here to take a look," the blond said, dragging on his cigarette.

"Look at my flute, it's beautiful!" The little reindeer gushed. The cook diligently listened to the ship's doctor describing his instrument. According to him, the flute was the eighth wonder of the world and he smiled in front of his overflowing enthusiasm.

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