The introduction.

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When you arrived at the academy, the one thing you hadn't expected was to run into Sejanus Plinth, and his family lingering on the outskirts of the hall.

You weren't familiar with Sejanus, he was quiet. Often staying to the side not really speaking to anyone in the classes he took. His eyes were a deep heavy brown. Shrouded in tiredness and sadness. You knew he wasn't a Capitol student, but from district two.

However his father and mother, were commonly found with yours, sometimes in arguments over the districts, sometimes in agreement as they both hold a high management to how the system runs.

You were late, desperately trying to flatten your hair and fix it into a somewhat neat form before Arachne or Festus could comment on it. They already had enough to say about you as it was.

Hell, they had enough to say about everything about you.

You had woken up in a hurry with your father shaking you in some anger. Reaping day was considered one of the most important to him. It allowed you to show off your families legacy in district tens management.

Your father's grandfather owned a large portion of the southern land, and made large amounts of profit from managing the meat selection that was delivered to the rest of the districts, and the capitol.

As it was your eighteenth soon, you'd also imagine something had been planned out for the reaping.

"Sejanus!" You call out in surprise as you see him stood just outside the large oak doors. He was wearing a dark suit, his hair clearly styled with gel forming tight ringlets on his head.

"Y/n." He nodded at you not quite meeting your eyes. You offer him a small smile as you come to stand in front of him taking in a large breath.

You then look to Mr and Mrs Plinth bowing your head slightly and offering them a friendly smile. "Hello Mr and Mrs Plinth."

Mrs Plinth offers you a warm smile back and Mr plinth simply nods his head. "Y/n, how's your father fairing?"

You nod your head "well Sir, but I'm not the best person to ask over his business." He accepts your response, your attention returning to Sejanus.

"Not going in?"

"Not yet. I'll wait till the rest of them have settled." He answered sharply. His mother slightly nudges as his father scoffs.

He looks to his mother desperately, as they both exchange a look of gentleness, he takes his mother's hand pressing his lips to it.

He met your gaze slightly before pulling his eyes away from you. "It's the first reaping I've attended so only god knows what they'll say about me."

You knew his attendance was mandatory due to the prize his father had put forward. In the academy, the best academic student would receive a large sum of money. You had a feeling out of anyone, the most likely candidate would be Coriolanus Snow. A boy who whilst being the most poor out of anyone in school, had worked the hardest for the fund.

And yet, he was also the biggest prude, forming a close friendship with Clemensia and Arachne. Two of which had clung to him due to his attractive aura.

You let a hum, even with your different statuses, you had always felt some guilt for the poor boy. He clearly would have preferred staying a district then being here.

You offer out your arm, giving him a slight nudge bringing him back to you. "Well, I need someone to accompany me in, I don't want to face the wrath of Arachne or Festus alone."

He seemed stunned at your offer. He took two looks between you, and your outstretched arm before swallowing loudly.

Carefully, he looped his arm around yours bringing your frame somewhat close, falling into step with you, entering the hall. You could hear the noise of the students, everyone was excited and it was almost infectious.

Slowly Sejanus guided you over towards where Festus, Arachne, Clemensia and Coriolanus had all gathered together, holding expensive looking glasses contrasting their expensive clothes.

"I'll put him in the arena-" before Festus could finish his sentence, Arachne made a face as she took in your appearance, and then, her face morphed into further disgust at your linked arm with Sejanus.

"Y/n L/n and, huh... Sejanus Plinth. Didn't think you'd come to the reaping." Sejanus raised a brow at Festus as he spat out his comment, a snide looking appearing on his face as his classmates giggled.

"And we didn't think you'd make it to graduation Festus but here you are."

"Spill it. Who won the prize." Arachne says, rolling her eyes at the boys, her words catching Coriolanus Snows attention.

"Oh no I'm not going to ruin my father's big day. No one likes him but, they do love his money." He says simply, sighing in frustration.

"You know what that's like Arachne?" Loud music suddenly plays interrupting any further discussion between the group. You raise a brow at Sejanus's sas towards Festus as he then guided you both away towards two empty seats near the front.

"Classy.." you whisper amused at Sejanus and his attitude. He simply shrugs. "He had it coming."

The loud music continues, leading the students to begin to settle into their seats, all starting to become silent.

To your surprise, Coriolanus Snow joins your other side, settling into his seat, letting out a slight cough to catch your attention, and Sejanus.

The two begin to quietly converse over you. Typical. Despite your attempts to listen, both speak to quietly over the murmuring students.

At Snows other side, sat Clemensia. Who surprisingly, offers you a somewhat, friendly snarl of a smile.

"I'm so sorry." You catch Sejanus and Snows final words in conversation just as the light, shines onto Dr Gaul.

"How tantalising to see all your shining young faces." She begins, a toothy smile appearing on her deadly features.

"I've broken free, of my laboratory to examine you." She continues, her milky white eye gazing and passing over the students. She pauses for a moment before continuing. "I'd like to introduce to you, the creator of the game himself, Dean Casca Highbottom."

Your eyes widen in surprise at his name, over the past few reapings, he'd slowly began to deteriorate not just as a man, but as a teacher. Falling further into his substance abuse.

"Faculty, and of course Dr Gaul... I have summoned you all here today for the tenth annual reaping of which we choose two children from each district to compete." He began making his way in between the students up to the stage.

You could hear Clemensia mumbling insults to Snow no doubt, as he eventually steps onto the stage, swaying slightly from whatever he had taken.

"To know, who won the plinth prize." He said with mock excitement, his arms dropping to his side. "However, I'm here to tell you there's been a change this year."

"What?" Snow interrupts, shock converting his face from confidence, to fear.

"The best students have been chosen, to mentor a tribute each. Whoever is the most successful will win the Plinth prize based on performance, not just winning."

You could feel your eyes widening. This would not be good for Snow, let alone any other student who could not for the love of god act.



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