im falling for shawn...

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(kenzee's p.o.v.)

     shawn and I watched some scary movies after the project but I didnt know how much I liked him after hanging out with him for a whole day. I relised that I like his laugh his adorable smile and everything about him I feel he compleates me but he probabley doesn't even like me like that.               "hey shawn can I ask you something?"I said worried. "Yeah is every thing ok you seen kind of worried" shawn said with a curios look on his face. "yeah I just was wondering if you had a crush?" "well I do but I don't know if she likes me so im not sure maybe I could ask her out." shawn said while staring deep in my eyes. "umm well how are you going to ask her?" I questioned him. "like this,,Kenzee will you go out with me?" "wait why did you say my name?" I looked at shawn like he was crazy. "Because your my crush and you asked how I would ask her out.." shawn said while looking a little said as if I would say no. "ok, well then if you were really asking me to be your girlfriend then yes I would love to!" I say in a british tone. "well my lady its getting late and I have a paper to wirte so I will see you tomorrow." shawn said grabbing his sweater. "your just gonna leave o hug or anything?" I asked shawn with a pouty face. we both laughed "listen I really like you no I love you and I wont let anything happen between us ok!" shawn said while hugging me. " ok,.... I love you too" shawn hugged me again then looked deep into my eyes. he started to get closer and right when our lips were about to touch my best friend barges in the front door. "well hello no knock or nothing" I say to my friend tot. we all laugh and all this time shawn is still holding me "ok I really need to go see you in the morning" shawn said walking out the door. "your boyfriend?"tot asked with a smerk. "ok want the truth?" "yes" she replies jumping up and down. "ok we just got together he asked me out tonight." there was a pause of dead silence. my text tone broke that silence. it was shawn.

                                                                shawn and kenzee's texts

S: Hey babe im so sorry it just felt weird that we almost kissed and that happened

K: your fine and babe I like the sound of that lol just know I love you<3

S: I love you to<3 :*

K: ok baby im going to talk to tot and go to bed
I will see you later love<3

S:ok baby girl<3

END of convo

         About 20 minutes later tot went home and I changed into sweatpants and a magcon hoddie and I drifted to sleep.

Sorry if it wasn't good but at least I wrote have a good night or day lovelys:) bye:)

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