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The first thing I did when I seen that group of people was to put my hand over my mouth so I didn't scream out loud. The only thing running through my head at that point in time was 'omfg the vamps are standing in the orphanage'. Luckily the boys were talking to Jamie who seemed to be very excited and they hadn't seen me standing there staring at them. Penny came over to me and whispered "You better stop gawking at them you brat." Before she strutted off to probably find some of the kids that weren't here yet. I went and sat on one of the couches that were neatly placed around the room where we could possibly be chosen to get adopted. I pulled my head phones out, put them into my phone and started playing The Vamps album while running a hand through my hair. Suddenly I felt the couch dip ever so slightly next to me. I turned to face Jamie who had the biggest smile on her face. "Guess what! Guess what sis!" Jamie whispered screamed at me. "You just talked to The Vamps?" I replied. "Yes. Yes. OMG. They are so nice sis and they said they would adopt me but they wanted someone older. Like your age and I pointed you out to them and they said they'd come and talk to you!" She smiled the whole time she was speaking. "But Jamie I couldn't leave you. You are my only family I have." I could feel myself starting to cry. "No no sis don't cry. They'll become your family and you could come and visit me. You'd be happy and that's what I want." She was so young but understood so much. "Aw Jamie I love you so much." "Wipe your tears quick sis. They are heading over here." She leaned in to whisper to me. "Stay here with me Jamie?" "Of course sis."

The next thing I knew, there was 4 very excited looking boys standing around the couch. I quickly paused my music. "Hi you must be Alyssa. Jamie was talking to us about you before." James said to me. "Yeah that's me Alyssa." You said politely back. "Oh my we are so rude we didn't introduce ourselves. I'm..." You cut Brad off, "It's okay I know who you are." As you gestured to your shirt. "Oh how didn't we see that before." Connor said laughing. "So why are you guys here. Don't you have some songs to record or something?" I asked the boys. "Oh. We are here because our management thinks it'd be cool for us to adopt someone to take our tour that's coming up." Tristan replied not seeming to care he just released some major information no one else knew. "Oh my gosh, that's so cool." I replied inner fangirling to the max.
"So Alyssa what do you think about being adopted by us and coming on tour?" Connor said looking like he could bounce of the walls. I looked past them over to some of the really snobby girls and I could see them death glaring me. Pictures of what Penny had done to me and the words she had said flashed through my mind and before I knew it I'd said yes. "Can we take Jamie with us though?" Was my reply to when they asked if I had any questions. "We'd have to ask our management. Excuse me for a minute." James, probably the most responsible one answered. Suddenly three teenage boys plus Jamie where all piled into me laughing and yelling at others to stop squishing them. I laughed along with them trying to wriggle out from underneath the boys. James came back soon after and looked at us weirdly before announcing "Management said we could take Alyssa and Jamie." I couldn't help my self I let out a scream.

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