Shadow Appears

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thanks for reading and sorry for tbe title. It sounds like something from Pokèmon. A wild Shadow has appeared lol well anyways here's another chapter enjoy.

I arrived over the Seattle National Bank and saw the police surrounding the building. "Huh hope this time it goes down better than last time." I said as I flew down.

I landed infront of the police officers. "Stay right there don't move! We have orders to arrest you so come quietly."

"I'm here to help." I told them. They gave me weird stares as they pointed their guns toward me.

"Let him go." I heard a familiar voice coming from the police car. The man came out and it was the same policemen from last time. "But sir..." The officer protested.

"Don't argue! He's the only one who can go in there and can come back out without getting shot. Go handle it but we'll be waitimg here when you come back." The officer said with all seriousness.

"I won't be coming back." I gave him a light smile and flew up to the front doora of the bank. I walked in and the five masked figures pointed their guns at me. "Man what is up with people and pointing their guns at me." I said out loud and a little annoyed.

"Hahaha... Look Boss they sent a dork in a superhero outfit." One of the men said as he laughed. "Yes they sent me in and I'm here to give you one last chance to turn yourselves in." I told them as i walked closer.

"Who are you kidding Mac take him out." The Boss said and a gun shot was fired. "What the..." Boss said as he gazes in aw. "Like I said last chance." I called out to them.

"Trey get the hostages!" The Boss yelled out and one of the masked men started to run. While the others started to shoot at me. I used my super speed to take out the men with guns. I got the men in a circle in the middle of the bank but I still had to get Trey. He ran to the second floor probablu where they had the hostages.

I quickly ran upstairs to get him before he hurt the hostages. "Don't move or I'll blow her brains out!" Trey yelles holding a gun to a ladies head.

The woman was crying and trembled. I couldn't use my super speed cause the gun was right on her head and I wouldn't get to her in time. I had no choice but to do what he said. "Don't do anything you'll regret!" I told him as I started to reason with him.

"Like I haven't heard that before. I'm goimg to jail anyway for just this bank robbery. So what's the point if one more person gets hurt." He said as I saw his finger start to move. "NO!!!" I screamed.

Just as I was about to move something hit Trey and made him fall to the floor. I looked as I saw a dark shadow move toward Trey. "You... you're Shadow." I said with a little bit of surprise in my voice.

"Go now get out of here you're save now." Shadow told the hostages. They all ran out of the room and went down the stairs. "So you're Ace." Shadow said in a low/serious voice.

"Yeah I am. Come on why don't you take off that mask Shadow." I replied as I walked toward him.

"I wear this mask to protect the people close to me. An I won't give away my identity to anyone I don't trust." Shadow replied.

"I care about my family and I can protect them with these powers." I said.

"I can protect my love'd ones without any powers. An since you're still alive I guess you got them from the meteor's radiation. You're one of the lucky ones." He replied with yet another low and serious tone.

"What do you mean one of the lucky ones. Did the meteor in Florida affect other people too?" I said with a suprised tone.

"In Florida? You don't know anything do you? Meteors fell all over the world. An some even fell here. Some of the people that were affected died only a few survived. But I'm not suprised you don't know, hardly anyone does. The government covered it up and only a few people know the truth of what happens when a person survives. You're one of the examples but not everyone gets the same abilities." He replied

"What, and here I thought only Jason, Robert, and I were the only ones. Turns out I was wrong. So how do you know about the meteor event?"

"I'm a detective." Shadow replied.

"Really... a detective? You don't even look that much older than me." I replied as I pushed him slight.

"Then why don't you find me tomorrow, Ale...jandro." He said with a small side smile.

My eyes shot open. "What did you just say?"

"Wearing blue contacts and putting you're hair up might confuse others. But I'm not so easily desieved." He replied in confirmation.

"How did you...?" I asked as I was still in shock that he discovered my secret identity so fast.

"It wasn't hard all I had to do was ask a single question." He replied.

"Oh yeah and what was that?" I replied in defense.

"What's your name?" He replied as I heard footsteps start to rush up the stairs. I turned around to see the cops standing at the front of the room. I turned back to face Shadow but he was gone.

I new fighting my way through cops wasn't going to make them like me any better. So I jumped out the window. "That would probably come back to bite me in the butt." I said to myself as I flew back home.


I came in through my open window and closed it behind me. I went into the bathroom in my room and took off the suit, cape, and boxers. I turned on the hot water and hopoed in the shower.

After I was clean I turned off the water and came out of the shower. I wrapped the towel around my waist and picked up my suit and cape. I walked out the bathroom and put them back in the farthest part of my closet. I put on a new pair of boxers and put on a t-shirt and sweat pants.

I grabbed my phone from the dresser as I turned off my bedroom lights. I walked over to my night stand and conected my phone on its charger and I hopped on my bed.

"Oh my god." I cried out as I pulled the covers over myself and shut my eyes. "Today could have gone better. Not only did Omega come back, but Shadow knows who I am. An all because he asked for my name." My eyes shot wide open.

"Wait a minute my name... That means he goes to Royal High. But there was a lot of people who asked for my name. Ahh come on think!" I told myself as I grabbed my head.

"But how come I didn't even know Shadow was there. I didn't even hear him until I saw him when he kicked Trey." My mind was in nots as I tried to this out. "The only other person who can move with out a sound is... Kevin."

Thanks for reading. please comment and vote if you like my story lol The next Chapter well come out on Friday so stay tuned :D

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