Unknown Owner/Creator of Life-Spark: Cindy's Info

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Name/Nickname: Cindy

Age:27?(immortal age:45 years)

Gender: Female

Species: Human/half immortal/half-ghost


Sexuality: Pansexual (or Bisexual)| Asexual

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Sexuality: Pansexual (or Bisexual)| Asexual

Pronouns: She/they/its

Personality: Calm, Kind, Blank(meaning: can be emotionless due to the things that happen to her life), Tired, Caring, a bit emotional, and has a little bit of anger issues on the inside

Likes: Music, Drawing, Singing, Acerbating, Athletic, Helping others, Flowers(Author: Her most favourite flower is white flowers), Her Friends/Family, Seeing the stars of the sky (her father told her all about them as happy and peaceful memories), Making new animatronics(if she wants to do it or her animatronics ask her to make a new friend/family member), etc

Dislikes: Spring-trap(He , Hallucinations, Losing someone that She Cared/Loved, Hiding secrets that are Disturbing/Horrid/Sensitive/Terrifying, Left alone for way too long, Going insanely crazy, Losing her mind, Nightmares, Killing/Murdering, Being blamed/framed, Being used as a weapon/sacrifice/hostage, Being mind-controlled, Doesn't want to kill/hurt again, Seeing her friends/family died in front of her, Having PTSD, Hiding her sad/despaired face with a sweet okay smile, Having Flashbacks of her past/déjà-vu"Bad days", Murders/Killers, Being manipulated, Overworking Too hard

Height:5'5 ft

Abilities: Became a Soul Ghost, Telekinesis, Seeing through of their sins, White soul fireballs, Speed, Strength, Jump boost, summon a scythe, showing good memories by summoning a white light mist of stardust, Freeing the souls that had Perished/Killed, Making/Giving New Life of Soul(Author: so that you know that Cindy didn't realize that she can give or make life while she was making her animatronics.)

Weapon: Gun/Pistol, Swift Knife,

Cindy's Soul Ghost Form Nam: Evira-Hope

Evira-Hope Looks:

Cindy's Alter Ego's Nam: Haderias (Pronounced: Ex-Soul-Kill)

Haderias Looks:
(not yet here for now)

Other: Plays guitar/violin while being alone, draws really well, comforts if someone is depressed, sad, heartbroken, etc, Makes and fixes animatronics, does very well with acro batting, sometimes works with dumbbells and barbells, can see through the people's eyes if they are innocent or guilty, and can be acted/liked a motherly or sisterly figure

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