chp 1. 8:40

27 4 3

i stared at her. her eyes shone and sparkled like stars. no.

like galaxies.

when i looked at her, i saw curiosity, wonder... love.


love is funny isn't it?

it appears suddenly, like rain on a clear day.

you never know who you'll end up with, and by some twist of fate, i've ended up here. with her.

my star.



"i finally figured out how to catch a star."


su-a POV:

light creeps into my eyelids, forcing me awake. i rub my eyes sleepily. my eyes land on ni-ki, who's exactly where i expect him to be.

on a poster. on my ceiling.

god, i'm so delusional.

i glance at my alarm clock.

it's only... 8:40.

8:40? AM?

"oh my god! it's 8:40! why didn't my alarm ring?!" i yell as i hurry to grab my uniform from my closet, then cringe because of them are crumpled.

i could care less about style, but i hate unironed clothes. crap, i'm gonna be so late.

i run downstairs and grab a piece of toast from the counter.

"morning, eomma!" i say, giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. 

as expected, she's already on her laptop, aggressively typing out responses to emails.

we say goodbye to each other and then i bolt out the door. the bus has already left, leaving me no choice but to run all the way to school. which is gonna take me 15 minutes at the least. 

probably more.

great, now i'm gonna be all sweaty on the first day of school.

"yah! yu su-a! you are so late, do you have any idea how long i waited for you?!" a voice calls from in front of the school.


only my best friend since preschool and the entire reason i transferred to this school. well, one of the reasons.

she stared daggers at me as she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the hallway. i already had my schedule and student ID, and i knew where my locker was.

"what's your first class?" ji-eul asks me.

"science with ms. lee. you?"

"dang, science first thing is in the morning is rough, but you're lucky because ms. lee doesn't really call on people. i have english with mr. kim."

oh, there is a lord above!

my palms sweat as i walk to classroom 1209. our school is massive, with over 1500 classrooms.

i had planned to arrive at school 20 minutes before my first class, but because of the stunt my alarm clock pulled, i now only had 5.

i whip out my phone and look at the numbers. it was almost time.

i breathe in three times.

once for peace.

once for strength.

once to fight the urge to turn on my heels and bolt away.

i open the door.

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