A/N: hello

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Hello all, it's been a WHILE. To think I'm still getting votes and reads on this book is INSANE to me considering how much has changed over the years. I CANNOT thank you all enough for the support!! (Just don't let Colby find it or I swear I'll delete my account /lh) I'm flabbergasted at how many readers it has gained. So thank you guys so much!!!

As some may know, I have a sequel to this book that I have since finished, I intended to write a third book but unfortunately life got in the way and the third book never happened. I had it drafted and a few chapters written but never got around to editing or posting.

Has anyone heard of the theory of "fanfic writer's curse"? Yeah that sums up pretty much what happened.

When I was writing this I was just getting out of working retail during covid and started working at the hospital as a CNA. Since then I have left and am currently working as a medical assistant at a pediatric's office. During this time I have started getting a significant decline in my health.

When I was 16 I was diagnosed with chronic migraines. I had them mostly under control but the last couple years they started getting significantly more violent and more frequent. I started having stroke and seizure like symptoms as well so I finally saw a doctor about it last year. We did multiple MRI's, an EEG (do not recommend, it's expensive and honestly a waste of money if you aren't dealing with epileptic seizures), and several other tests that I honestly can't remember (not to mention multiple rounds of blood work) we discovered that I have a mass in the third ventricle of my brain.

It was diagnosed as a colloid cyst, a rare form of benign brain tumor (its a cyst but people call it a tumor, I honestly don't know what it is at this point). I saw a neurosurgeon who basically said I'm over reacting and the colloid cyst is unrelated to my symptoms. So off I went to neurology and to this day I am still trying to get the migraines under control.

I'm working on getting a second opinion at a different hospital regarding my symptoms and diagnosis. I'd prefer to NOT have brain surgery if I can help it, but if it will help my situation then I'm all for it. I am not in dire straights to specify, I can still work and drive and function as a human being, but my quality of life is not where it should be due to the migraine and one other thing...

Which brings me to the neuropathy. I have idiopathic neuropathy on the right side of my body. We noticed this last year during one of my neurology appointments when feeling on my right was decreased compared to the left side. I also get tingling quite frequently and my hands are very sensitive to temperature change and are either freezing cold or burning hot, but it's not assumed to be raynaud's as the skin doesn't change color. It's believed to be a neurological issue instead of circulation.

Im getting an EMG done at the end of the month. EMG stands for electromyography, it tests the function of my muscles and nerves using electric pulses and needles to check electrical activity to see if there is an issue. If the EMG doesn't come back with anything then we might move to do a lumbar puncture. So pray that the EMG is helpful 'cause I'd rather perish :)

I've always had some wacky health issues, I struggle with chronic pain and chronic fatigue that comes with this.

I wish I had more answers on whether things will improve or not, but after over a year of trying to figure out what wrong, we mostly just gained more questions. I understand more what I'm dealing with but now I'm fighting the health care system to care more about my issues rather than making me feel like I'm crazy.

I have a good support system and I'm staying fairly positive considering everything. I'm confident that I'll get the answers I need in time as long as I continue fighting for my health which is hard to do when you're only in you're early twenties.

During all of this I moved out of my parent's house and started living on my own with a roommate, got a cat named Daisy. She's the love of my life.

Then my roommate and her boyfriend got married and I had to move back in with my parents because trying to live on my own in this economy with health issues is ✨️impossible✨️ but it's temporary until either the housing market finally crashes or I get my health under control. Or I marry rich :)

So to say the least, I whole heartedly believe in the stupid fanfic writer's curse because WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BULL???

Absolutely floored. Cannot believe this.

So to all my fellow fanfic writer's out there, watch your six. It's a dangerous world out there for us.

For my dear readers wondering about a third book:

I'm sorry to say that I will not be publishing a third book.

As much as I would love to say, yes! I will do that! Because I do want to, but a lot has changed these last few years. Not just for me but for Sam and Colby as well. Things are not at all the same as they were during the time I was writing this series, Sam and Colby have both been through a lot especially this past year that the series no longer seems appropriate to the timeline.

Colby and Brooke's story can always be rewritten, and maybe one day I will, but for now the end of their story is left with book two.

I do hate to leave you all hanging, I might post an epilogue of them or something similar just to bring closure to the end of their story. But if it isn't a popular idea amongst you guys then I'll likely leave things as they are for now.

I want to thank all of you for your support during this series, I never imagined things would get to the way they are now. I'm blown away at the amount of support this book has gotten. And I genuinely hope nothing but good things for all of you from here on out.

I'm truly sorry that I was never able to complete the series before things changed as drastically as they did, but I hope you all are able to enjoy the series for what it is, and what it could have been.

Thank you for everything. And here's to better days!

With love,


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