The way to hell

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Taki showed up the next day with a faint red mark visible on his left cheek
Even tho his sister helped him apply make up to hide it
The tint they used wasn't the best one
And now eyes of pity were chasing him

His friend maki was so used to it that he didn't bother to ask him if he was fine or not


"What do you mean he didn't do anything?" Maki said making the older repeat himself

"Why are you so deranged? we just studied sorry to disappoint you!"

"I didn't mean ..." A simple glare form Taki made him calm down

Maki really felt the need to warn his friend because he saw things the older wasn't able to notice yet,

Even tho Taki wasn't interested in the older, he needed to be careful just in case

Look he is coming!" He exclaimed suddenly

" See you in class then"
Taki walked rapidly in the opposite direction
As soon as he saw the older walking in his.
He doesn't know why but he hates to see his face suddenly


"Taki san !"
The older jogged a little bit inorder to catch up with him

And the younger had to make a stop to not look like he was avoiding him on purpose

"How are you?" Yuma couldn't help but smile warmly at him
Fine and you?" Even tho Taki's answer was fast and cold, feeling quite the opposite as him quite normal to feel that way
After he tried to set him a trap last night and god knows what else he had planned to do if Taki had stayed

"Wait what happened to your cheek?? " Yuma's hand reached his face, he wanted to touch his soft and chubby cheek that he adores

But taki was quick to avoid his touch, he doesn't like being touched by another guy

It's nothing" he hid the mark using his hand

"I am really sorry.."

"No its fine"Taki closed the topic

In facet Yuma only wanted him to get in trouble so he would listen to him next time, Not to get beaten !!

Adults are crazy !
How dare they touch his precious little puppy

What happened to your hand ? Taki asked in return

Yuma's hand was also injured since he hit the wall recklessly last night after the younger left

A small accident "

Taki nodded he was actually going to bow and take his leave
When the older shoved an arm Infront of him

"Taki san" Yuma stepped in his way a little bit closer than usual "can we talk ?"

"Yuma san... I can't come to you anymore" Taki was quick to reject before hearing out what he had to say

What ! why ??

My parents doesn't want me to " he lied

Yuma wasn't going to accept such a response he has been obsessed with the younger for longer than he remembers
And he won't let him go just because some adults orders

"it's unfortunate.... I was going to offer you something else"

"It's a much easier job and you will get benefits from it alot

I will even pay you double, and you can work from school and your home too" but those words were about something which surpassed taki's imagination

"What really? " He was about to agree all the way

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