Chapter 2: I Bully The Bullies

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1680 words

Around lunchtime, I went to my mother's tent.

I stopped at the flap, which was closed, and called, "My lady, may I come in? I need to speak with you."

There was a rustling inside, and my mother, Artemis, opened the tent flap. She was in twelve-year-old form, which I was used to by now, after 4 years of being her Lieutenant.

"Yes, you may come in," Artemis said, stepping aside so that I could come in.

Dad was already standing up with his white wolf, Snow, at his side. He was also in his 12-year-old form.

"Hey, kiddo," Dad said. "I'd like to stay and chat, but I gotta go. Phoebe challenged me to a berry-eating contest, and there's no way she's beating my record."

"We will finish this discussion later, Orion," Artemis told Dad.

Dad bowed. "Yes, my lady."

He hurried out of the tent, Snow trotting at his heels.

I sat down on one of the bear skin rugs in the tent. Agro laid down next to me, and Zade perched on my shoulder.

"What is it you need to speak to me about, Ainsley?" Artemis asked, sitting down on a deer skin facing me.

"Well," I said. "Last night, I had a dream. In it, my satyr friend Grover, was being chased by a dark figure. I think he's in danger."

Artemis studied me for a moment before saying," And?"

"And I believe I need to go to Camp Half-Blood," I said. "If Grover is in danger, then I must help him. I do not wish to leave, however, but I must help Grover. Do I have your permission to leave the Hunt and-"

"Yes," Artemis said. "You have my permission."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I mean I can always stay here-"

"Ainsley," said Artemis firmly. "You may go."

"Thank you, Mother," I said, standing up and bowing to her. "I'll be back as quick as I can."

I started to walk out of the tent when Artemis said, "Ainsley."

I stopped at the tent flap and turned back. "Yes, Mother?"

"Be careful," she said.


"5 more! 5 more! 5 more!"

"Okay!" I said through a mouthful of marshmallows, and I grabbed five more marshmallows and stuffed them into my mouth.

"Coward!" Naomi yelled, stuffing 10 more marshmallows into her mouth. "I'm going 30!"

"You both are pathetic!" Hunter yelled, though I could barely understand her because she had, like 50 marshmallows in her mouth.

I grabbed a marshmallow and chucked it at Naomi. It hit her in the nose.

"Oh, it's on!" Naomi shouted, seizing a deer rib and throwing it at me.

"Food fight!" Dad shouted.

It was soon chaos, with marshmallows and deer meat flying all over the place. I managed to grab a bag of marshmallows and dumped it over Hunter's head.

We only stopped when a bird came soaring out of the sky, squawking, I have a message! I have a message! Urgent, urgent! Urgent message for Ainsley Theron!

"Come down here!" I called up to the robin.

The robin landed on my outstretched hand.

"What's going on?" I asked the bird.

Twins of the Hunt - Book 2: Torn Apart ✔️Where stories live. Discover now