she didn't deserve this part 1

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🚨Disclaimer🚨 this story might not be suitable for some readers, reader discretion is advised. 

Side info " this means narrator is talking"

                 By: Vanessa Harding

    So my name is Taylor black I'm 15 and I had a good childhood my dad owns a company he's globally popular and rich I've got everything I ask for. My mom has her own business while taking care of me when my dad had business trips. He always trusted to bring me something back from places he goes to.

    I'm currently getting ready for my first day of high school I'm a freshman and I have 10 friends.  But I have 2 best friends Miley and miles there twins and tend to fight a lot but I don't mind. Mainly because there my best friends.  When I arrived to the school I see my 2 best friends waiting there for me so I get out of my moms car. I go in get my schedule and I find out me , Miley and miles have the same 1st period  and we made a deal to sit next to each other. 
"A few hours later it's lunch time for taylor"

I walk to the cafe and I go to get my lunch then I sit down with Miley and miles. We start talking catching up and Miley mentioned to me since I walk home every day that there's a serial killer on the lose and to be careful. I tell her that nothing gonna happen to me I'll be fine.  Then the bell rings so I pack up and I start heading to social studies.

    So I get to social studies and I sit down and I start doing my work and I finish early so I lay my head down, I started to fall asleep and I wake up 45 mins later so the bell rings it was also my last period so I headed home. 
             "A few weeks later... "

So school had just ended and I went down the ally I normally walk through since its a faster way to get home and next thing I know  I'm in a basement.

" Side info she didn't know a person-
knocked her out let alone that it was the serial killer anyway let's get back to the story"

     I had woken up to a man in front of me, and when I looked closer, I realized that it's gale, the famous serial killer that's on the lose. I look down and I notice that my hands are tied behind the chair and my feet are tied to the chair.  I look around to see if theres anything around to cut the ropes on my hands. Crap there's nothing around I can use I thought. 

" Gale gave her food but what was in it?"

  Why do I feel weak did he poison me I thought

"Taylor passes out but what did Gale put in her food?

I wake up an hour later I think I can't really tell down here it feels like I've been here for weeks.  He put food down here I don't want to eat it but its better then starving but I don't know if he poisoned it.

"Taylor decided not to eat the food"

  I should have eat the food but at the same time I dont know what was in it. I still don't know what that psychopaths plan is he hasn't hurt me he's been giving me food he's definitely planning something.  Wait he's coming what is he planning?

   He gave me water I thought. What is he planning? I thought, he has to be planning something.  I decided to drink the water but it tasted weird

"Little did she know what was about to  happen"

I wake up but my vision is not clear!?!  I thought....... Whats wrong with my vision I think there was something in the water, I hear laughing in the front of me it's.... Gale that phsyco messed my eye sight.

     "5 mins later gale returns..."

"But what happened what was in the water!?!...."stay tuned for the next part will we find out what was in the water? Well I guess we will never know or will we?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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