First Attempt

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Alex, 16 Years old, Swedish-German: *Alex coughs as  smoke exits his lungs* „How the fuck do i do this without coughing??", he asks in a frustrated tone. „You don't. You just do it until your body gets used to it.", Alex's Best Friend/Crush named Max replies. *Alex gets up from the cold concrete floor of his basement.* „Let's just go to sleep.", he mumbles. Max complains: „Ugh! You said you had beer!". *Alex fakes a gag* „Beer is disgusting!", Alex shouts. „Does Vodka work?". *Max's eyes light up* „YES!", he yells in excitement. They go a little too hard on the alcohol and get drunk. „You know Alex, you're kinda... you know.. cute.", Max whispers as he stumbles over to Alex. *Alex leans over to Max and kisses him. Alex is drunk out of his mind but deep down he knows something about this is wrong. But it felt so.. right?

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