the start of a new gay-rizon

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(help i didn't know what to put for the picture/video so take a shipping complation)

stan dragged his feet up to the broflovski residence, slightly scraping away at the back of his fraying converse. he glanced up at a window to his right, hopeful as he saw the light on. he raised his hand, reluctantly knocking on the wooden door infront of him with a thud. footsteps could be heard before a certain ginger swiftly opened the door with a quick "come in, dude." as if he knew why stan was there. 

kyle motioned the shorter to come sit next to him on his bed, making a "what the fuck did she do now?" face. stan gulped, trying to dampen his dry throat before speaking, tears rushing to his eyes. "she said we're done. it's all over," he kept ranting as kyle put a hand on stan's shoulder, trying to transfer his warmth and comfort him.

 " how could she just take all the memories we shared? all the time we spent together? i really don't get it, ky. " the red-head moved his hand from stan's shoulder onto his back, rubbing in a circular motion. 

he muttered, " you always say this, " before properly turning his body towards the other, looking him in the eyes. "dude. your relationship with her is so toxic, you know that right?" he sighed. stan opened his mouth to speak but was silenced by kyle. "save it. there's no use dwelling on the past, focus on now. if she broke up with you, it was for a reason, right?" he questioned, waiting for the other's answer. "she said i wasn't paying enough attention to her... and i-" he paused, how was he supposed to tell kyle that he was one of the big reasons they broke up?

 wendy said that all he ever talks about is kyle, cancels dates to hang out with kyle and she could even tell when he was thinking about, guess again, KYLE. though kyle was his super best friend, he had a reason to be thinking about him so much. no homo, he added.

 "-she said it was like i didn't love her anymoreee..." he groaned, partially lying. she didn't have to say it for him to come face with reality. stan would like to say that he still loved wendy 100% but that's not true. at this point, he was lying to himself. he wiped his teary eyes, sniffling.

 "the real reason i'm here, is to ask a favour. don't judge though, dude!" he waved his hands infront of him frantically, a sheepish smile on display. kyle simply raised a brow, not needing to use words to tell stan to continue. "could we... uhm... pretend to date? so she gets jealous?- iknowitsabadideabutiwantedtoseeherreactionand-" he was cut off by a monotone, "okay then." kyle crossed his arms, his brows furrowed. "but if we only do coupley-stuff infront of wendy, she'll get suspicious. surely people will tell her about us not actually dating, dude." he blinked, clearing his throat. he said yes? that quicky? well, holy shit. 

"i guess you're right... but do you really wanna look like those couples who give way too much PDA?" stan grimaced as he spoke, he hated couples who were always so lovey-dovey in public. you could even call it a pet peeve of his.

 kyle snorted, "but i wanted to smooch you infront of the whole school! show them not to fuck with my man!-" stan elbowed him, laughing along. after a couple of seconds, they regained their composure, still making the occasional giggle.

 "actually dude, we need some ground rules." stan nodded, " like not going too far to annoy the shit outta wendy and stuff about personal preference?.. " he got quieter as he neared the end of his sentence, unsure if personal preference was the right words. "boundaries stan, it's called boundaries." kyle stiffled a giggle, glancing at his friend. 

"well, hand holding is probably obvious to show we're 'partners'." he tapped his fingers on his leg as he thought, " if someone asks for proof, which they shouldn't need any, i guess they'll expect us to kiss. i mean i don't really mind- " he mumbled, fixing his posture. "if that's ok with you?.." stan's eyes slightly widened as he put a hand through his dark hair.

 "yeah, yeah, that's fair." he spoke in a voice just louder than a whisper. kyle gave him a coy smile. "well, as we've got that out the way," he dusted off his teal cargos as he rose, showing stan his hand. "let's go mess around at the arcade or something!" stan grabbed his hand and give a shy smile back, his cheeks turning a little bit rosier than usual.

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