In the tapestry of fate, "Resurfacing Hearts" unravels a mesmerizing story of Selena and Chris, once entwined in the delicate dance of high school emotions. Selena, the queen bee, shattered Chris's quiet world with a heart-wrenching betrayal. After six years, destiny orchestrates a reunion as Selena steps into the corporate realm, unaware that the CEO is none other than Chris-the orchestrator of her past heartbreak. Amidst the cold veneer of revenge, the flames of love flicker, unraveling a tapestry of bitter-sweet redemption and an unexpected journey from enemies to lovers.
"When echoes of a broken heart resurface, love and revenge collide in 'Resurfacing Hearts'-a tale of shattered trust, corporate vendettas, and the delicate threads that bind enemies to lovers."
This is my first ever novel. Hope you all will like it !!!
"Resurfacing Hearts ~ A Tale of Love and Vengeance"
Romance"Beneath the city lights and corporate battles, love and revenge intertwine in 'Resurfacing Hearts'~a captivating tale of shattered trust, bitter vendettas, and the sweet resurgence of love." Amidst the corporate skyline, beneath the shadows of past...