nikki x vince part 2 Smut

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(Gonna be a smutty chapter)

(I hope you enjoy it I stayed up till 7am writing this)

(Also I think this is such a cute shit and should I make a whole book about them too? Or make more oneshots of them tell me in the comments)

(anyways enjoy)

Nikkis pov
"Oh yes please" I say as I grab his waist

And then I pull him on my lap as I lay back onto the bed, feeling his hands on my chest, he slowly leans down and kisses me, flustered I kiss back. I'm not one to get flustered easily but his sudden action really flustered me

We started heavily making out as I pushed upwards slightly grinding myself into him as he also grinded on me, I slightly moaned into the kiss after feeling him grind on me and he pulled back

"Like that baby" he says in a seductive way

"Yes very much" i say pushing him down by his waist into me as I grind myself upwards into him, he moans from that and I can see on his face that he needs me

"I want you to fuck me" he says really boldly making me lost for words as I just nod, then he takes off his shirt as I stare at his sexy curvy body

"You're really hot" I say as I rub my hands along his sides making him blush

"You're even hotter" he says leaning down and pecking me on the lips, then he pulls at the bottom of my shirt signaling he wants it off so I compile and help him take it off

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He questioned me

"Of course I do. But do you?" I asked unsure if he really wanted to

"Oh yes I really wanna, I'm glade you wanna too" he says as he unbuttons my pants as for I do to his, I smirk at him as he gets off me and the bed to take off the rest of his clothes

"Don't just stare take yours off too" he says as he motions to my pants, I compile and take off the rest of my clothes too

Then he hops back on he as I grunt from the feeling of his naken ass on me

"Should I grab lube?" He questioned

"If you don't want it to hurt as much, the best choice would be that, also a condom" I say with a smile as I see him reach back and grab the stuff out of his nightstand drawer

He hands me the lube as he moves to sit on my knees as he puts the condom on me as I shivered from his touch

I opened the bottle and gave it to him as he poured a generous amount onto his hand and slightly jerked me off I moaned slightly from that as I seen him put the bottle back it his free hand

"Are you sure you don't want me to prep you before we start" I asked him

"No baby I'm perfectly fine" he says as he gets up and aligned my member to his hole then he fully sat down with a grunt as I groaned in pleasure

"God your tight" I said as I hold his waist, he just smiled and tried to relax his body

"And you're so big" he said with a slight blush and grin, I smacked his ass to that and he yelp a little

"Did that hurt cutie?" I questioned concerned I hurt my precious Vinny

"No I'm fine baby I liked that" he said as he blushed more

"Are you ready to more" I asked him as he nodded, he slightly moved up and down taking it all the way to the tip and slowly going back down

I was groaning at that "Oh God that feels good" I say rubbing his sides and after a little of going slowly he starts to pick up the paste as we both start to moan

"Ah~ you feel so good" he moans out out as he picks up the paste bouncing on my cock

"Ah~ Ah~ God you're so good at this" I moan as I start to thrust upwards into him making him moan more

"Ah fuck~ nikki, switch positions" he says as he gets off me and gets on his hands and knees as I get behind him on my knees and thrust hard into him

Making him moan loud and long and I go as fast and hard as possible making him scream my name

"AH~NIKKI~FUCK~" he moans loudly making me slap his ass as he moans again

"Fuck you like that slut" I say slapping his ass harder

"Ah~ yes nikki yes" he moans out as I slap his as again then I grab them precious locks of his hair as he moans from that and all the pleasure I'm giving him

As I start too feel myself getting close I go as much faster and harder I could

"Oh god~ nikki I'm gonna-" he choked out in moans, I thrust in him hard and fast for a last few times as we both cum and I do a few more thrust as I pull out and plop down next to him and he cuddles into my chest

After a few seconds of calming down I go and get a wet wash cloth and a glass of water I take a sip and give it to him as he drinks it well I wipe me and him both down

"Wanna change the sheets Tomorrow?" I questioned as me nodded so I laid down next to him after turning the lights off, he cuddled back into my chest as I smile and softly pet his hair

"I love you vince neil"

"I love you too nikki sixx"

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day/night and may good luck come your way


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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