If I could Fly

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There was a mole. I could feel it. The feeling rippled through the hair on my skin even as I smiled to each person walking beside me, I knew one of them could be the traitor.
I had my suspects. Zanya was at the top of the list but I knew Jaryl didn't trust her already so I didn't want to make matters worse. I could see the way he looked at her- like she might matter a lot more.
Farrind came up besides me his steps leisure. Farrind was as free as he could be. His father, a court man in the Court Of Clav put himas an elite. He manifested his abilities early and his father had immediately sent him to the Harrow where he believed it could be protected from Dirimat.
'Stop' he told me.
'Stop what?'
'The thinking. It's hurting my head.' he answered giving me a side eye and placing his palm on his head.
'Maybe some tea will stop the hurting.' I offered.
He snorted in reply 'Quite sure that won't be till Elantra.'
I nodded in affirmation 'So how can I help you then?' At that, he give me a cheeky smile -one I knew meant trouble- and said 'What about a warm kiss?'
I sighed and rolled my eyes dramatically 'Can I say no?' 'No'.
' I'm not kissing you Farrind.' He shrugged his shoulders, took a step closer to me me and wrapped his hands around my waist and whispered softly in my ear 'but I can.' and pulled me into a hot searing kiss.
Everytime we kissed, the last thing on my mind was stopping. Even as his tongue met mine and got tangled with mine and I ran my hands through his hair, all I could think is that I can never get enough of him. Not now, not ever.
His lemon and honey scent was all I could taste as we broke the kiss, our breathes misting the air 'Well, that's warm enough.' I said 'Yeah, very warm. And my head's no longer hurting' I smiled and slipped my hand into his snuggling close trying to get back that feeling.
'Elantra' he said suddenly rolling the word over his tongue 'Isn't that where your mother is from?' 'Yes'I answered calmly.
While Farrind had spent his life hiding in plain sight and Jaryl in the dark, I had spent mine in relative freedom until the mass massacre of the members of our tribe.
Oralice and I were the last remaining members of a once thriving, prominent tribe . The cloaking spell used to help us blend with others was already slowly fading away. I feared for the day when our pointed ears when our pointed ears would come into focus. Being elvish out of Elantra meant walking with a target on our backs.
'My head's hurting again' Farrind whined beside me again
'I'm not sorry. Again.'
' Warm kiss. Again.'
'Piss off'
'That, was not very lady like.'
'I don't care. I gave up on manners long ago '
'Well then, let's run them crazy without manners.'
' I don't understand.' I told him and he gave me that cheeky grin and placed a small kiss by the side of my head.
He whipped his head to the side and we caught a girl- quite young to be in a movement - staring. She turned away quickly turning the red of tomatoes as Farrind's laughter filled the space around us.

And there's the first of many updates. Do remember to comment, and click that little star.

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