Episode 3: The First Battle

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After hours preparing for the defenses 3 generals started to meet up on the center of their base along side with their representative banners

General Lyra: Alright what is our strategies to held of the enemy attacks?*looking at Markus and Leafthorn* any ideas my fellow generals?

General Leafthorn:as the scout said there are atleast hundreds of orc bases and clearly it will be a massacre. As for strategies lets put my archers and the jade rangers on the walls along side with the scarlet defenders so that our chances of survival will be increase slightly

General Markus: I may agree with this strategy Leafthorn but with the amount of armies we had we don't have enough archers and rangers to delay the orcs

General Leafthorn:Bah! Nonsense you think I can't come unprepared? Before I come here I already know that our foe are the orcs

General Markus:How come? *Looks at Leafthorn* we didn't send any messengers to an nearby elven encampments

General Leafthorn: Well clearly my raven saw that your prince got ambush by some orcs and were out of the topic General.

General Markus: Your right I'm sorry. Lets continue our strategy before our enemies start attacking

Meanwhile at the royal tent Christian looks at the picture of his mother and feel so sadden

Christian:*kisses the picture of his late mother* mother I failed to save you... You were the only person that I can rely on... Now you were gone because of my bastard father... I lost my hope*slowly tearing up*... I don't know how to handle my own wars and battles...you were the only one helping me.. but I must fight my own battles I can only rely on your spirit mother... *Smiles and puts back the picture of his late mother on the wooden table and wiping off my tears and looking outside as the three generals were talking Christian starts to walk towards them* Generals any news?.

General Lyra:Yes my Prince actually we were talking about the strategies of defending this base sadly knowing we were few on archers dealing with the bonesplitter clan will be difficult

General Leafthorn: Pardon my great Prince but I have an Idea we should held off the enemies for 20 minutes since I already sent some moonglade messengers to the nearest elven bases in this mountain

Christian: Hmm as long we will held the orcs attacks we will provide enough time for the reinforcements to arrive prepare the defenses may the Goddess of Life Saphira watch over us!

General Lyra, General Markus and General Leafthorn: For Azeroth! For the Prince!

After hours of finally prepared for their defenses 3 orc armies had arrived with their chieftain on the hill

Groulim: BAH! Azeroth Scums I finally found your pathetic base. You all think you can survive this massive attack Bah!

Christian: *walks on the walls and looks up at groulim* So your the chieftain of bonesplitter clan? You may be strong leader but you will never defeat the might of the Azeroth kingdom!

Groulim: Hahahaha! You think your pathetic speech can bring down this attack! Let me show you the true might of the bone splitter clan!. *raises my hand and yells* ATTACK YOU PATHETIC ORCS! Slaughter the weakling!

All three massive orc armies started to run down to the hill towards the center the Azeroth base. Archers and rangers fired their arrows on the orcs some were killed every archer killed 10 orcs left and right every second but the orcs are so many the Jade Rangers and Moonglade Archers were struggling to relay their attacks. After the orcs passed through the massive attacks from the archers they manage to attack the scarlet knights

Blades and Axes from both armies causes loud clanging sounds both the orcs and azeroth soldiers were started to fall every second

General Markus:*on the battlefield slaughtering 50 orcs with my scarlet dual longswords* Die orc scums! *Using lightning chain on the orcs and more than 5000 were electrocuted and died*

General lyra and General Leafthorn started to fire their bow at the orcs killing nearly hundreds of orcs

After 20 minutes an elven horn can be heard from every directions nearly 100,000 moonglade knights arrived along side with 200,000 cavalry

Moonglade Captain: To hell with the orcs surround the bonesplitter clan! Slaughter them all protect our allies! For the Moonglade kingdom!

A massive charge from the moonglade armies from every direction as soon as they charge they slaughter thousands of orcs  blood splatter,heads flying ,limbs falling the orcs of bonesplitter clan are already felt defeated no way to escape and they left with no choice but to fight till death

Groulim: Their pathetic*holding the scepter of realmus and jumps high and manages to land on the center of their base* Hah! The prince of the azeroth. We will end this battle!

Christian:*holding the sword of divine as I look at Groulim* whether you survive this or not we will destroy your horde one way or another and that artifact is not yours to begin with

Groulim:*chuckles*Bah! You think I will fall to you? Lets see who will fall in this battle! *Grabs the battle axe and started to charge and attack christian*

Christian:*dodges his attacks and manage to fight back slightly wounding him with my sword*

Groulim the Savage struggles to keep up the attacks from Christian every second Christian manage to stab Groulim by his arms and stomach. At this point Groulim  is no match for christian's fighting spirit and realize his going to be killed

Groulim:*falling with two knees on the ground bleeding with green blood*T-this can't be!.. I am the strongest orc chieftain of the bonesplitter clan...How can pink skin like you can able to defeat me!

Christian: listen*put my sword near to his neck while looking down at Groulim*your horde is struggling more and more of your clan are dying because of you. Knowing your dying your entire clan are almost extinct at this point.

Groulim: Bahh... You think you won?.. I will still fight pathetic pink ski-

Before Groulim finish his sentence Christian cut off his head! With his sword as Groulim's head was flying on the air and the surviving orcs saw their chieftain has fallen then  suddenly got killed off with flying arrows over their head, been stab by the scarlet and moonglade knights and from battle the Azeroth and Moonglade were the victors

Christian:*grabs the scepter of realmus* With this scepter we can finally  make a new home for our people

Suddenly a Grand Wizard from the Azeroth Kingdom appeared

Grand Wizard:*bows to the prince*you manage to kill the chieftain and not only that my prince you manage to held the sceptee of realmus. My prince you can able to absorb the entire power of the scepter of realmus

Suddenly all the magics from the scepter were getting absorb by Christian by holding it with his barehands and fully gain control of its power

Christian:I feel stronger.. is there a limit grand wizard?

Grand Wizard:hahaha no my dear prince actually you can absorb any magic,powers or even abilities from the artifacts like the scepter or enemies to make you the strongest

General Lyra: my prince with your ability of absorbing any magics,powers and even abilities you alone can defeat na entire armies!

General Leafthorn: Its true my prince with that ability of yours no enemies will stand against you

General Markus: This is why we follow you my prince speaking of General Lionfang did not come to aid us is his mission that important.I'm getting annoyed at his absence

Christian:for now we all need some rest and tomorrow at dawn we will abandon this base since we can finally make a new home for our people with this power.

//To Be Continued follow for more parts :>//

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