Norman's Point of View

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Inspired by @silliestlittlecat

"Norman.. Everyone's time eventually comes to an end, right? Mine just came a lot sooner than I expected..." Emma smiled weakly

"I just wish there was something I could do to help you..." Norman sighed

"I know, I know.. Just be patient, Norman, I'll wait for you in the middle"


That was the last thing Emma had said to him before the nurses and doctors called him out of the room in a rush, for the blood loss caused her very last breath. The memory of the doctors and nurses hastily rushing to Emma's aid as she lost consciousness and, too soon, her life

"Its been a few weeks since I've been in town, huh?" Norman said as he sat in front of the pretty well taken care of, tombstone before him "I wish I could've helped sooner, Emma. A tragic cliche, she fell first he fell harder. Except he fell too late..." He murmured as he set a bouquet of sunflowers on the grave. Its only been two weeks since Emma died yet, to everyone, it felt like it'd been years. The time of Emma's passing had went by so slowly but those seven years felt like only seconds

"Norman" Ray called out behind him "I gotta go. I have work tomorrow. Its 9:30, I'll see you around, kay?" 

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" Norman replied

"Oh, and Anna said to tell Emma we all miss her" Ray said

"Yeah, okay" Norman said and waved goodbye to his best friend "you heard him. We all wish you were still here, but, that's out of our control" he sighed mournfully as rain drops started to fall, one by one. The rain was nice, since it made him feel like he wasn't alone when he weeped

"Oh, hey, Norman!" A squeaky ass female voice called out, making him groan in annoyance

"Britney" Norman scoffed

"Why are you out here in the rain? You talking to that girl again?" Britney asked "you're always out here! She's literally dead, its not like she can hear you. Why don't you come over to my place?" She suggested. Her words made Norman's anger level rise. Who would say that to a person in mourning? According to Ray, Britney befriended Emma to get close to Norman and its rumored that she waited for Emma to die just so she could pursue him, which didn't make her popular

"I'm fine. Go away" Norman refused with his eyes still on this loved one's final resting place

"No, no! You'll get sick! Come on!" Britney fussed, grabbing Norman's wrist

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" Norman snapped at the girl, who looked at him stupefied " now go away"

"Why!?" Britney screeched

"Because you're a stupid little bitch who can't take a no" Norman replied

"Ugh! Whatever!" Britney stomped away. Norman sighed and looked back at Emma's grave

(Short chapter, sorry. I'm on a writer's block)

I'll Wait for you in the Middle {Noremma angst and fluff}Where stories live. Discover now