Chapter 7: Repeat Yourself.

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As me and Athena shuffled silently through the tall, shadowy skyscrapers, we'd notice the herd of walkers had been completely cleared - not moved, but they were all dead, lying motionlessly in their own dark, muddy blood on the concrete footpaths. The essence of danger is all we could think of as the overcast sky created wind much more powerful than it needed to be.
My brown hair flowed in the wind, rain spat down like shards of glass. "Who–.. Who did all of this?" She'd rip a snapped piece of wood out of the walker's head, examining it before turning around to see what I was doing. "No clue.." My gaze would fixate at something on the ground, my eyes gaped open in shock.
"Max..? You alright?" Athena would creep up behind me, analysing a small pistol on the ground. "No... No! It–It can't be." I'd back away, covering my mouth almost immediately. "W-what is it, Max?" She'd stand beside me, scooping the gun into her hand. "J-..Jesse.. Schmidt?" She'd read the letters carved into the pistol's handle.
"You know this guy?-" She'd turn to me, "Yeah... he was bitten. Someone must've stolen his pistol or something..." I'd shrug hesitantly, Athena would offer me the pistol as I'd slowly take it out of her hand as if it were the most fragile piece of porcelain in the world. I'd slowly turn it to different angles in my hand, scrutinising it with a sharp pain of guilt in my heart.
"He saved me in the very beginning – got bitten while tryna be a hero." I'd sigh, lowering the damaged gun to my side. "Are you sure he's not like–... Immune?" She'd mutter, I'd turn to her, a raised eyebrow, "Are you joking? There's no such thing, Athena.." I'd shake my head, turning back to the ground again.
"Trust me — I've heard of this girl.. I forgot her name, it was like, Kris...– Kristina?- No, Katrina! Her name's Katrina! She's like.. Um–" Athena would rant on before I'd give her a 'are you serious right now?' look. She'd stop, "Uh, sorry I just... let's just hope Jesse's still out there.." She'd give a reassuring smile, before we'd continue the scavenging.
After around 10 minutes of just walking aimlessly through hidden alleyways and through empty cities, I'd begin to talk again. "So... is CJ always... a sticky beak?" I'd mumble, "No... He's scared. Scared about Henry. Henry and Charlie were always together–like two peas in a pod." She'd let out a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
"Charlie? And... well.. Yeah – but it's annoying... he- he got real pissed at me back there. Because I didn't know where Henry went." I'd shrug, rolling my eyes. "CJ's a bit paranoid at the moment, none of us know if our families are alive... or dead." She'd turn back to me, we'd continue walking through the rain, her hood covering her identity amongst her thick, red hair.
"I guess you're right... and don't mind me asking, CJ's full first name?" I'd tread behind Athena, looking around at the dead walkers throughout the city with caution in where I stepped. The city-strikers? God knows who killed all these guys. Athena would clear her throat, before she'd begin speaking.
"Charlie Junior. His dad was a cop, sheriff of Revormill, actually. His name was Charlie and he loved 'imself so much he decided to name his son after himself..." Athena would scoff. "Hm..." I'd nod, before we'd hear distant limping, but no gurgling. "Hello?" Athena would exclaim as I'd raise the pocketknife, "Is it...– Nevermind..." I'd mutter to myself, waiting nervously in case Jesse or an armed city-striker emerged from the alleyway.
The slow dragging turned into a few grunts of a man, before we could hear running, echoing through the rainy city. "Oh. Whoever that was doesn't want any problems..." Athena would shrug, I'd turn to her, giving a blank stare and a nod, before turning back and continuing on with the walk.
A few moments later after treading over walker corpses for what seemed like years, we'd finally reach the pharmacy. "Here we are." Athena would nod, pushing the door open. As we creeped through the shadows of the pharmacy, as we snuck in, a trail of blood snaked its way in between aisles and shelves of the medicine shop.
"What the hell..." We'd look at each other with surprise, our expressions slowly dropping to one of dismay and disturbance as this clearly wasn't walker blood, it was too red, walker blood was more of a brown tinted colour. "Should we see what it is..?" Athena would look to the ground, she was concerned.
I'd nod, we'd slowly grow closer to the path of blood that skidded across the white and black tile floors. "Holy crap..." I'd mutter, my eyes widening at the site of Henry, in a puddle of his own blood. He laid on his stomach, head turned up towards us, "Heellppp..." His voice was strangled and raspy, his eyes full of fright.
Athena would scream in horror, rushing over to her brother's side as blood churned from his hip as she rolled him onto his back. He let out a few coughs and grunts as Athena would shout, "Who did this?!" She'd stare at 3 slice marks carved through his shirt into his side, looking like a bear had clawed his neck open. Athena would turn to his leg, the same mark on his knee as well.
"The walkers... Can talk..." Henry would cough, blood spiralling down from his nose to his purple lips. "We have to leave him here..." I'd say guiltily even though I envied Henry. I raised the pistol, behind my eyes was a burning wildfire as Athena would call out, "No– No, he-he can make it!" She'd raise her palms at me, trying to talk me out of shooting.
"Let's just... get out of here." I'd tuck the gun into my backpack, before shuffling over to a certain area of shelves, sliding the note tucked into the pocket of my jeans and checking it. "Fluoxetine and haloperidol..." I'd mutter the notes aloud as I'd scan the shelves, plucking out a case of pills, 'fluoxetine' was typed onto the cover.
I'd slide it into a part of my backpack, chucking it back over my shoulder before I'd begin walking to a different area of the store, 'Employees Only'. As I'd rattle the door handle I'd hear Athena whispering to her dead brother. "Henry... you know if I had the choice I wouldn't leave you here... right?.." I'd turn her, she was crying, tears streamed down her freckled face, her green eyes glittered.
Sorrow burned in my heart, as I'd slowly turn back to the door. I'd eventually get a good enough force to shove it open, it wasn't locked surprisingly. The door would creak loudly and inside was a small warehouse and shelves filled with pills.  It smelt like cough medicine as every step I took on the grey concrete echoed slightly.
I'd walk over to the section marked off as pills starting with 'H'. Haloperidol was the first one. I'd take as many of the small bottles as I could hold, shoving them in my backpack, Athena would whisper to me urgently as she stood in the doorway crouching.
"We aren't alone, Max..." She'd shake her head, her eyes were wide and she was worried. "What? What do you mean?" I'd look over at her, still crouched down and shoving small bottles of tablets into my bag. "Henry.. He wasn't lying! There are whispering walkers!-"
She'd point outside the doorway, snapping her neck in a direction where a sound of shuffling footsteps and hushed groaning came from. As I'd tilt my head in confusion, I'd creep over, exiting the 'employees only' area. As I did, we'd peek over the shelves of the pharmacy, taking a glance through the smashed window in the store front.
As we stared out the window, a cold breeze shot at us, as well as a glance from one of the walkers which was standing a little too lively for a dead person. A hoard of walkers swirled around the one walker, creating an everlasting loop. The lively walker continued to glare us down, narrowing its eyes as it would murmur, "Follow them..."
As it would warily lift its index finger in our direction, it would begin strutting in our direction, before the walkers began to follow it. "Holy hell..." I'd mutter, my eyes wide open as I'd stand back, withdrawing Jesse's pistol from my backpack. "Who would've lead them here?!" I'd whisper, glancing at Athena awkwardly.
"I know." She'd spit out angrily, storming off toward the pharmacy entrance. We had a while before the herd of walkers got to us, so we could likely use this time to get us an exit through the alleyway. As we snuck through the alley, rain pelted down on us like needles poking our skin. The sound of walkers groaning and shuffling footsteps echoed behind us, every now and then I'd check behind me, and the living-walker was still following behind us, a steak knife now attached in its hand.
"Still behind us.." I'd whisper to Athena who was a bit ahead of me, I'd glare back at the walker-man, its green, evil eyes still piercing through my soul. I'd nervously snap my neck forward, I was obviously intimidated by the walker. "What the hell is that thing..?" Athena would exclaim, still whispering. She'd flail her arms around a bit as she did so.
"No freakin' idea... it's–it's not a walker. It's too... I dunno...- alive?" My words would fall over each other, I could barely string a sentence together as I'd continue glancing behind me every few seconds to make sure I wouldn't get ambushed. "What the hell..?" My jaw would drop instantly as I'd stare behind me, now turning my entire body.
The walker-man had stopped walking dead in its tracks, raising his knife toward us from far away. The walkers ignored it, completely unphased as they'd circle around him, beginning to follow us without the guidance of a living-walker. Athena would spin around, before glancing at me.
"We have to go!" She'd begin jogging out from the alley, I'd follow behind her, slower than her because of my wounded leg. After around 5 minutes of leaping over dumpsters, skidding around corners and leaping over random pieces of debris, we'd finally make it back to the supermarket, the herd not following us anymore.
Athena would swivel toward me as we'd entered through, her face scrunched angrily, fury burnt through her green eyes, glaring into my soul. "What the hell, Max?!" She'd exclaim, slamming a foot into the ground as she'd take an over exaggerated step towards me.
"I-I'm sorry, but Henry was... dead already!" I'd raise my hands in a surrendering manner, backing away from Athena a bit. "We–We have more problems than him! I'm sorry... But it's true.." I'd stare into her soul, CJ would instantly speed walk over to us, standing behind Athena. "Where- Where's Henry?"
CJ had a look of fright, his eyes gaped open. "CJ, Athena– Just relax... He was in agony... He wasn't gonna make it." I shook my head, lowering my arms to my side and looking at the floor. "Yeah– He wasn't gonna make it, but he sure as hell didn't deserve to be left behind to be mauled to death by walkers!" Athena would give me a small push as she shouted, CJ shaking his head, backing away.
"You know I'm right, Maxine, don't try and fix anything." Her breath trembled, her green eyes glittered as a few tears would trickle down her face. "You killed... Henry?" CJ would raise his eyebrows, still shaking his head. He was clearly in denial that his friend had died. "I didn't kill him- well-.." I looked at the ground.
"You guys– I am... so, so sorry..." I'd whisper, looking back up at them, CJ breathed heavily clenching his fists. "You-.. I... You're a murderer." He'd mutter, his eyebrows slowly would furrow, he'd shove Athena aside before he'd stare straight down at me, his eyebrows lowered, his eyes wide open, his teeth gritted and his fists clenched.
"How could you do such a thing..? You–You're a monster, Max!" He'd point a finger at me aggressively, before narrowing his eyes, a bit of spit flinging from his mouth because of how angry he was, "Henry was my best friend! You–You know that, right?! I don't give two damns if he killed Margot, she wasn't– just... I-... I hope you go to hell!" He'd mutter, looking straight through my soul before a cold fist landed across my face, everything just went black.
"Charlie!" Wren would run over from through the shelves, pushing him aside, CJ clearly had no regrets doing that, he just stood there quietly observing everything now, his cap concealing most of his expressions. I layed back-first on the tiled floor, quickly sitting up again after a few seconds, a purple bruise planted on my eye socket.
"What the–.. Hell..?" I'd perch up, using my elbows. I'd take a few glances around, before remembering what happened and why I was here. "Max... Are– Are you alright?" She'd lean down beside me, her soft blue eyes averted from me, to CJ and Athena, a hard gaze as her eyes narrowed. She picked herself back up, "What the hell is going on?! Where's Henry?" She'd raise an eyebrow, I'd try and stand myself up too.
"She killed Henry! She murdered him!" CJ would point to me aggressively, shaking his head as he snarled. "No! I didn't!" I'd shake my head. "He had already been killed, he was going to die, we didn't need him slowing us down!" I'd lower my eyebrows, my speech was slurred. Athena would step in, I'd continue speaking. "C'mon, Athena. You can't keep defending him just because he's your brother! You know I'm right!" I'd raise my arms, before shaking my head.
"...Maybe you are right." Athena looked down, her green eyes dripped with beads of tears as she shook her head and her eyebrows curled upwards. She'd smear her tears away, looking up again. "I just... he's all I have-.. had left! My mum's dead! My dad–... Well, I don't even know anymore!" She'd explain, her eyebrows still arched in a sad way.
"I'm sorry, Athena... I really am, but you didn't want him to survive and suffer the rest of his life, did you? You didn't want him to turn into one of them– talking walker things on the way back here..." I'd shrug. She'd nod, "I was just– in denial... I know, I know... You were trying to do the right thing, but it hurt." I'd nod, realising something. I'd look up, my eyebrows instantly were raised.
"I'm really sorry–.. wait– what about– what about the walker man we saw?!" I'd exclaim, looking around nervously. Athena would gasp, shaking her head, "...What even was that thing–" Athena would get butted into, "Whaddaya mean, guys? Never seen a walker in your 3 weeks of livin' in an apocalypse?" Cyrus had snuck up behind us, giving me a bit of a fright.
"No... it's different– It's– It's a living walker! It walks like us, it– Holy hell, it even WHISPERS!" Athena would exclaim, her eyes gaping open as her eyebrows arched worriedly. I'd also look at Cyrus with a concerned gaze. "It what? Did you guys get into the meds in the pharmacy? Walkers are dead, they can't talk." He'd cross his arms, shaking his head as an eyebrow raised.
"No– I swear to god, it-... it even pointed at us, strutting in our direction! It's ALIVE!" I'd back Athena's words up, shaking my head vigorously as my voice trembled. Cyrus's arms would drop to his sides, CJ would start talking again, "Sounds like a case that I call 'bullcrap.'" He'd roll his eyes, crossing his arms. "No, you guys– listen to us!" Athena would speak clearly, looking at Wren who stepped up.
"You guys— You might be having hallucinations, maybe. Post traumatic stress disorder?" She'd shrug. "No-no-no!" I'd shake my head aggressively. "You guys don't understand..- We aren't making junk up! We're both for real!" I'd speak methodically, my hands gesturing whilst I did so. Cyrus would avoid everything I just said, "What happened to your eye, Maxine–" He'd reach at my face, I'd butt in.
"Stop avoiding us! You know we're telling the truth! Just.. trust us!" I'd plead, looking back at Athena, she was nodding with me. "Why should we trust you, you killed my friend." Charlie Junior would argue back, still with the smug expression on his face, his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed. "Athena's brother died because of me, ahem... and she's still trusting me, because she saw it too!"
"... ugh. Fine, whatever." He'd scoff, rolling his eyes. Cyrus would look at me, raising an eyebrow. "Who'd you 'kill'?" He said. "I didn't 'kill' anybody. I simply just stopped him from hurting..." I'd mutter, "But that doesn't matter anymore, Margot-killer's dead and we've got a serious problem in our way." I'd shake my head, my eyebrows lowering.
"How about I check out the exterior of the supermarket property, around the carpark and stuff." Cyrus would speak, finally taking us seriously. "Only if I can go too." I'd nod, determinedly. "... Fine. But you'll needa be really careful. Don't want no 'talkers' creeping up on ya." Cyrus would nod, looking at me, I'd nod back at him.
"CJ? You up for a bit of a challenge?" Cyrus turned towards Charlie, Charlie would raise an eyebrow. "... yeah, I guess." He'd shrug, his arms still crossed, the angsty facial expressions still plastered on his face. "Righto... we'll all try and head off in different directions," Cyrus would explain, "we can head off in..." He inspected the time on his watch, the glass was a bit shattered, but it still worked, "an hour or so..?"
"But it'll be all dark then! Pitch black, man!" CJ would sulk, waving his arms around a bit. "Yeah, it'll be harder for the walkers to see us, Charlie." Athena would argue, Cyrus would butt in, "Can we just– stop arguing? I understand you guys are just teenagers, but this's gotta stop!" He'd rest his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow at the two of them.
"Oh, come on! We're jus' debating, Cyrus." CJ would roll his eyes, "Debating means arguing, you birdbrained idiot." I'd sneer up at him, he'd scoff and shake his head, "How do you know? Aren't you like..- twelve?" He'd chuckle a bit, raising an eyebrow with a smug expression lit across his face.
"Yeah, I am twelve. I didn't choose when I was born, CJ. That's not how it works." I'd shake my head, angered by his mockingness. "Alright, everyone– how 'bout me and Athena do patrol of the supermarket, we go walkie talkies and batteries in this supermarket somewhere... we could have one each, and we can warn y'all if we see anything." Wren would speak methodically, quickly thinking of a plan.
"Good plan, Wren..." Athena would nod, we'd stand in a circle. "Who's gonna go find the walkie talkies, then?" Cyrus would question, crossing his arms. "I'll go." CJ volunteered, his voice and face expression was blank as he'd quickly taken off his cap, adjusting his hair and putting the cap back on.
"... Erm. What's with the cap?" Athena would quiz him, raising an eyebrow. "My dad gave it to me... he's kinda dead, so... in honour of the old guy." CJ would nod, a bit of sorrow hinted in his voice as he'd turn and walk toward the shelves in search of the walkie talkies, and batteries.
Athena would nod awkwardly. "What do we do while we wait?" I'd ask, "We can just sorta... get prepared? You might need some more bandages on that leg o' yours, so the stitches don't undo themselves." Cyrus said, nodding his head. "Alright." I'd also nod, making my way over to my small hideout beneath the check out area.
I'd slide a few bandages from my backpack, after I'd begin untying and then unrolling the bloody bandage, it spiralled off my leg, it had a gross stench and a dark brown colour stained on it. I'd stare at my leg for a while, the bullet hole clearly penetrated through my pair of jeans as well. I'd sigh, beginning to roll the brand new bandages around my leg.
The stitches were healing in, but every now and then I'd collapse and they'd come undone, squirting a bit of blood. I didn't really mind if I had bandages on, though. As I tightly tied the knot up, I'd stand myself up again, the bloody bandages scrunched up in a ball in my fist. I'd stroll back over to the group, tossing my bandages in the bin on the way over.
As well as me strolling back over, CJ would begin to walk up next to me as he'd emerge from the shelves, hauling a few packets of batteries and boxes that contained walkie talkies. He'd glare at me, gritting his teeth. As we made it back to the group, a small chatter echoed through the supermarket. "Woah, woah, woah! It was probably nobody, guys, chill– Just a walker or somethin', nothin' we haven't seen before." Cyrus would explain, his palms up in a surrendering position.
"What's goin' on?" CJ would ask, sitting the walkie talkies on the nearest countertop. I'd also question, before walking towards the group with an eyebrow raised. "No-no.. Dude, it was a man! Like- a man, man!! He was wearing, like– lumberjack shenanigans!" A small, quiet boy who was a pale asian and looked around 14 years old but was probably a lot older, exclaimed nervously. He was only a few inches taller than me, and I was a twelve year old girl, which I found quite odd.
Cyrus would try and calm this kid down, "It's ok! If it were a human, he wouldn't try to hurt you guys, you're literally just teenagers!" He'd shake his head vigorously, "No... nah this man's arm was bleeding everywhere! There was a bite mark, but he wasn't sick... not even bags under his eyes or anything!" The boy frantically spoke, gesturing wildly with his hands.
"What's– What's the dude look like?!" I'd jog over, standing next to the boy. "He had hair– like your colour, brown. It was up to his-his chin– all messy and stuff. He had a beard and wore-.. a blue flannel! Like a lumberjack dude!" He'd speak rapidly, he'd stumble over his own words.
"No.. it-it can't be–.." My eyes widened as I'd listen to the exact description of Jesse Schmidt, the 'infected' man from the start. "Yeah! He had a bloody arm... oh god, there was a bite mark as well... but-but the blood was dried up, and he was walking like a normal human! So it couldn't be a walker!" He'd stutter.
"Wait– where'd you see this guy?" I said. "He was near Jericho's Gun Shop, or whatever the hell it's called." He'd begin calming down, taking deep breaths as I assessed him. "Holy– I must just be thinking of the wrong person..." I'd shake my head, "this dude that matches that exact description saved me at the start, got bit on the arm while doing it. I thought he was dead, his body disappeared from where he died only 30 minutes after..."
"That's not how walkers work, so I was dazed– even more dazed when I found his fully loaded pistol on the ground... didn't make sense either. But now everything's been put together... at least I think so." I'd speak clearly, everyone would raise an eyebrow, or raise both. "No, no– Max, don't be silly. There's no such thing as immune people, remember?" Cyrus would walk over to me, a soft smile on his face.
"Yeah..- Ok." I'd mutter, a tad bit of sorrow in my voice as I looked at the ground and  realised that was probably just a recently bitten person, there's a lot of men who wear flannels, have that hair length and have a beard.
"Now, let's get these batteries in these walkie talkies, then we shall be on our way!" Cyrus said cheerfully, CJ would have a look of concern and confusion on his face as he'd slowly nod, a bit suspicious of Cyrus. "So, what's your name?" I'd ask the unknown kid, he'd answer quickly, "Lee Hu. Yours?" He'd look at me curiously.
"I'm Maxine... Cooper." I'd nod. "Nice name." He'd say, smiling before he'd walk back over to the group to help with the walkie talkies. I'd too go to help with the walkie talkies, slapping in a few batteries in each one. After about 15 minutes, it was sunset, and all the walkie talkies were ready.
"We leave two here, then you guys take the rest with you - one for each of y'all." Wren said, handing me, CJ and Cyrus a walkie talkie of our own, then she kept two for the remaining people at the supermarket. "Alright, we're ready then?" Cyrus turned to me and CJ, we'd both nod, then we'd make our way out of the supermarket.
I held the walkie talkie in one hand and Jesse's pistol in the other. It was fully loaded from the gun bag he gave me, so I was more than prepared. We'd sneak out in the car park, a few trashed cars remained. So, we all split in our own directions, giving each other a small nod.
I'd crouch behind a red ute, listening out for anything, when I got a small speech from my walkie talkie, "Can you hear me, y'all?" Wren would speak through the walkie talkie, I'd talk back, "Yeah, yes I can hear you." I'd start peeking through the car windows onto the other side of the car park as I talked, holding the small box-shaped device with an antenna up to my mouth. Something caught my attention, a large built man, wearing a blue flannel, hair up to his chin and a scruffy beard walked along a path. He seemed to be armed with a blade. He was too far away, and I could only make out a few details about this man as the last bit of sun gleamed across the massive car lot onto him.
"I see someone.." I'd whisper across into the device. My breath trembled shakily as I crouched behind the car, leaning onto it. "Who?! Who is it?!" Athena would exclaim concernedly. "It's the man- the same exact man that Lee described earlier!" I'd whisper, before peaking back again, the man had disappeared.
"He's-He's gone.." I'd sigh relievedly, before crouch starting over toward another car, ducking behind it again. Cyrus began to talk through the walkie talkie, "Woah– There's a whole hoard of 'em walkers. They're circlin' something and I can't see what it is." He'd grunt in a whisper, obviously observing something as he spoke. "Woah!- It could be... the walker man me and Max saw earlier.." Athena would speak hurriedly into the walkie.
"Are you sure you can't see anything in the middle of the circle?" I'd question through the walkie talkie, oblivious of my surroundings as I sat and leant myself on the car. "AH, What the HELL?!" I'd hear a teenage boy scream in what sounded like agony, a bullet firing. It sounded like CJ's voice, so I immediately scrambled to my feet, the gun holstered to my side.
Cyrus began to speak, "Crap, did you hear that Max?" "Yeah! It was CJ!" I'd cry out, jogging between cars as my skinny self flung across the parking lot, and that's when I saw CJ. He laid on the ground, grabbing his shoulder in pain. He rolled on the floor like a dying fly, making random grunting and groaning noises as he did so. "Son of a– AGhH!" He'd cry, before realising I was there.
"Maxine! This dude– S-shot me!" He said, I'd notice the puddle of blood accumulating around his arm as he'd continue stuttering. "Quick, we have to get up! There's a nearby hoard, and that gunfire is probably gonna lure them AND the walker man over here!" I'd exclaim, he would narrow his eyes, "Ok..- Just– Gimme a sec." He'd try and sit up, falling flat on his face as he let out a sharp groan, gritting his teeth.
"Here– Grab my hand, I'll try and pull you up." I'd offer my hand, trying to be as quick as possible so we'd get to safety. He'd grab it, also pushing himself up with his other arm to make it easier for both me and himself. He'd finally get up, clutching his shoulder in pain. "Mmph– We gotta... get outta here." He'd say huskily, obviously out of breath, he was losing a lot of blood.
"Yeah– Come on, Charlie!" I'd start to speed walk, slowly realising CJ wasn't following me. I'd slowly turn around and he stood there trembling, dark bags under his eyes as he clutched his shoulder. He stared at the ground, then at me. "Come on! Quick!" I'd cry out, beckoning him. He didn't move, he stared sadly at the ground again, his eyebrows smeared upwards. His arm slowly dropped to his side, not clutching his bloody arm anymore, he sighed.
"I can't." He said, followed by yet another sigh. "We have to go! Now!" I'd exclaim worriedly. "What about Henry?.. I just– feel... guilty." He said, his voice full of despair as blood spurted from his bullet wound, down the sleeve of his jacket. "No... No, CJ, we have to go!" I'd walk over to him, trying to pull him along with me, but he didn't budge, he didn't even look at me. "C'mon, Maxine. I've seen so many people die. We're all gonna die at some point... Why not just get it over and done with?" He'd look at me, his green eyes were full of deject.
"... No... No! I'm not letting anybody else die!" I'd shriek, trying to tug him. He'd sadly shove me back, looking behind him as we heard growling walkers from the distance. "Henry wouldn't want this for you! Neither would your parents!" I'd snarl at him, he just stared down at me, he looked to the ground and sighed. "But– But..." He muttered, before shaking his head.
"Fine... let's just– get outta here." He'd start to shuffle ahead of me, he'd clutch his bullet-penetrated shoulder as he limped, he was losing a large amount of blood. "Don't tell anybody about this, Max. If you do, you and I are gonna have a little talk." He'd sneer. "Ok..." I'd sigh, jogging behind him.  As we trailed back to the supermarket, the sky darkened as mist grew all around us.
We'd finally reach the entrance of the supermarket, I'd push open the door for him as he'd bolt through it, almost collapsing. CJ's entire right arm was doused in blood, dripping down his fingertips at this point. "Je-sus christ!" He'd mutter staring down at his arm. "I don't– I don't feel too good.." His face was pale as he'd begin to stumble a bit.
"Quick, he's losing too much blood!" I'd exclaim, flagging Lee, Athena and Wren down. They'd all come jogging, helping get CJ sit down. They'd prop him up against one of the shelves, I'd reach an arm to my backpack, quickly yanking out some bandages as the bullet had gone straight through his shoulder, it had already come out.
"Here–" I'd say, tightly wrapping the bandages around his arm, he'd wince in pain, shuffling on the ground uncomfortably. "Stop moving.." I'd say, pulling his arm back towards me as I tied the bandage up. "Holy– Agh, it hurts like hell." He'd try to get up straight away, "Woah, woah, woah– CJ, you'll need to sit here for a while before doing anything." Athena would push him back down.
"You're not the boss of me–" He scoffed, shaking his head. "Oh come on– dude, don't be like this again." Lee would facepalm, replying to CJ. "Whaddaya mean?" Charlie would raise an eyebrow. "You're always throwing these stupid tantrums, just sit down on the ground. Really not that hard, man." Lee would shake his head.
"I could really mess you up right now, Lee." CJ would try and clamber to his feet, trying to get himself up. He'd fall straight back down again. "I'm not so sure if you can mess me up 'right now'. I mean, just look at you, dude." Lee would gesture to CJ. "You sayin' I'm weak?" CJ would raise an eyebrow. "You're as pale as a vampire, even your lips are purple, man. Just sit down." Lee would scoff.
CJ would scoff. "Fine– fine! But if I come back as a walker, I will eat you first." He'd lower his eyebrows, glaring at Lee. "Have it your way, CJ." Lee would purse his lips, turning away and walking off. "What was that about?" Athena would raise an eyebrow, grinning a bit. "I would have no clue–" Wren would shake her head. I stood there, a raised eyebrow and my arms crossed.
"Lee.. he started it." CJ would mutter. "Oh, he did?" Athena would act surprised in a mocking tone. "None of this would have happened if you didn't try to get up." She added at the end. "Shut up." CJ would look away, shaking his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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