The sun was Prendle's alarm clock. Her eyelids flew open as soon as she felt warm rays on her skin. She glanced over at the clock on the table beside her bed. It was barely 7 AM. She hadn't planned to get up early since it was Saturday and her day off, but she was sure she would never be able to get back to sleep. Once her eyes were open, she was up for the day. She laid there for a moment, then threw her covers off. Her daily routine had begun.
Prendle went into the bathroom, showered, brushed her teeth, and dried her hair. She went straight into the kitchen next to fix her morning coffee. While it was brewing, she prepared herself a bagel and scrambled eggs. By the time they were done, the coffee was, too, so she poured her a cup. She ate at the kitchen table, washed the dishes when she finished, and then retired to the living room to watch television. She had just gotten comfortable when there was a knock at the door. She frowned, wondering who it could be. It was only 8:30 now, still too early for most people to be out and about. Her employees knew where she lived, so it couldn't be any of them.
Dressed in her lounge pants and a tank top, she walked to the door and looked out the peephole. She didn't want to let just anyone see her in her lounge clothes, even though they were as decent as her regular ones. Much to her surprise, she knew the woman standing at her door. A little shocked to see her there, she opened the door immediately. The woman smiled at her, but it was a cautious gesture, almost like she was afraid to move her lips.
"Hello, Prendle," she greeted her. There were visible dark spots under her eyes. She hadn't slept well.
"Arielle Franks. I never expected to see you here," Prendle said, crossing her arms defensively. "What have I done now?" She hadn't meant to say that last part out loud. Her thoughts had just fallen out of her mouth.
Arielle hung her head. She knew she deserved it. It didn't mean the words still didn't sting. "I'm sorry. I thought you were crazy. Can I please come in?"
Prendle reluctantly stepped back and motioned for her to come in, though she didn't think it was wise. She closed the door behind her and told her to make herself comfortable, though she was uneasy with her being there. Arielle sat in the chair, so Prendle nestled herself into the couch. Arielle nervously twisted her hands.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I hope the police didn't harass you. I just- I never imagined-" She took a deep breath. When she spoke again, her voice was slightly cracked. "I was almost killed last night. Just like you said. You warned me, and I wouldn't listen."
"It's okay," Prendle said with a shrug. "I'm used to people thinking I'm insane. I know what happened, Arielle. I was there."
Arielle frowned. "You were?"
"Yes. It was me sitting outside of your house every morning." Arielle's mouth dropped open, but Prendle didn't stop. "I was watching to see what you wore to work. From my vision, I knew the outfit you would be wearing the night it happened. When I saw you yesterday morning, I knew it would happen, so I made sure the police were notified." She wondered if she should elaborate, but she decided against it. Arielle could draw her conclusions. "Then I was there to see if they made it in time."
"I can't believe you did that after Richard and I treated you horribly. Did you get into trouble?"
"I was...questioned. I spent about two hours in an interrogation room, but they couldn't hold me." Prendle shook her head as she took a sip of her coffee. "They thought I was with the criminal, even though I didn't know him at all, and to my knowledge, the criminal never said I was involved. They just...assumed."
Arielle sighed, tears coming to her eyes. She didn't make a habit of just letting them fly, so she held them back. "Again, I am so sorry."
For the first time that morning, Prendle smiled. Arielle knew her side of the story now. It was all she ever wanted, and she believed her. "Thank you."

Through the Eyes of Prendle
Mystery / ThrillerAll Prendle wanted to do was help. She never wanted the police to find out she was the one giving them tips on murder cases. But people were dying, and she couldn't sit idly by. Lucas thought Prendle was a stalker when he caught her watching the F...