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oaklynn.ed taylor swift wrote this is me trying about me. this is me trying not to die

markestapa i agree with u? this feels wrong
oaklynn.ed this is me trying not to say i hate u and then failing

rutgermcgroarty this is us trying to pass college😞
oaklynn.ed speaking of which... when we studying?

real life

oaklynn's pov

"hey oaklynn" was heard through the speakers of the car i share with my brother. "hi rutger." i smiled back to the boy who facetimed me. "hi rutger." mark and ethan said in unison from the driver and passenger seats. "what are you up to?" he asked me, "going to a preseason wings game. e and mark convinced me to go with them." i told him. "she's only going because we told her she'll see dylan larkin." mark said taking my phone and holding it in the middle of all three of us. "okay, and?" i snapped back at mark.

"what are you doing?" ethan asked, eyes focused on the road. "nothing. luca and i might go hit the gym soon i think." rutger told us. "nice man." mark said. "oaklynn, when do you want to write our speeches?" rutger asked me. "um... i have to go to movie night with adam, dyl, roma, and charlie tomorrow night. but i can do tomorrow afternoon or the next night." i told him. "tomorrow afternoon?" rutger told me but it sounded more like a question. "yeah, that's good." i smiled at him.

"okay, have fun guys. text me when you get home oaklynn so i know you didn't die." said rutger with a slight laugh. "bye." me, mark, and ethan said in unison as mark handed me my phone back and i hung up with a smile.

mark looked back at me with a small smirk. "what mark?" i asked rolling my eyes at him. "nothing. just wasn't expecting rutger to call and interrupt us singing taylor swift." he said smirking at me still. "do you have a problem with him or something?" i asked, "oh no, no. i love the guy." mark told me. "mark just wants to know why you guys study so much and didn't realize you guys were close enough for random facetimes." ethan said, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "mark was wondering or you were wondering?" i asked my brother. "both." he said smiling.

"we have a lot of the same classes and stuff so i help him study. you guys read too much into shit." i said to them both. "and the facetimes?" mark said turning back to me again. "he was trying to figure out when we were studying. not my fault." i said to mark. "i think he's into you." ethan spoke up randomly. "yeah, right." i said rolling my eyes. "don't sell yourself short oakie. he definitely is." mark said, "that's crazy guys. you've officially lost it." i laughed at them. "don't believe us if you don't want to. but we're right." ethan said to me. "whatever guys." i said, "e, don't you have a rule that i'm off limits to teammates?" i asked my twin. "yeah, i can always make an exception though." he told me. "in your dreams maybe, but not in reality." i laughed at him for being crazy.

ethan and mark ate

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