Epiosde 93

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Name: We're finally here. I'd tell you not to be too eager, but I guess that's asking too much.  But do you have a plan for stopping the rebellion?
Vi: I do have a plan, but there's no guarantee it will make things stop.
Luffy had his Flip Flop in his mouth. So hungry...
Chopper: So hot...
Nmai: Please! Don't make a hasty decision.
They finally made it.
Usooo: So this is an Alabasta city?
Luffy; Food
Stella: Listen, guys! Use self-control and try not to act on instinct too much!
Sanji: Yes, stella-sama!
Zoro: The guy who needs to hear that eh most is already gone.
Luffy; Food place
Stella: What. She runs to get something. And ran after him. Sorry, I can't leave him by himself I'll get him back bye. She runs after Luffy
Usopp: He's all-instict.
Vi: What should we do?
Sanji: Don't worry. Find where the most commotion is and they'll be there. He gets off
Usopp: You got that right
Nami: Ugh! I wish he'd at least relaxed he has a bounty on his head!
Especially in a big country like this!
Zoro: Forget him! He's with Stella at least she knows how to act. Let's just eat first. We can think after that. He got off. Chopper jumped off.
Nami: They're all the same.
Vi: Karoo and can't go with you
Usopp:Eh? Huh? Are you not feeling good?
Vi: I'm too recognizable here...
Zoro: That's for sure
Sanji: Don't worry! I'll go shopping for you Vivi-chan!
Karoo screamed
Vi: What is it? He points at Mr 3 boat
It's Mr 3 ship.
Usopp: That creep doesn't kick the bucket after all?
Vi: There is no doubt about it! His ship runs on the power of his Wax-Wax fruit!
Sanji: The bastard here?
Zoro: This is bad. He's seen our faces.
Usopp: It's alright! I have an idea!
Everyone was under a sheet while Sanji and Chopper in his's reindeer form walked on the outside
Nami: There is no telling where he is, so we have move without standing out.
Zoro: I think we're standing out quite a bit...
They were all inside a broke. House. With little protection
Everyone was out. Usopp came out last
Alright! You can come out, guys.
Zoro: We been long out
Usopo: Looks like nobody notices us!
Nmai: If so, it is a miracle.
Sanji: Vivi-chan. We're safe from view for a while. Vivi-chan?
Vi: Yes? You were saying?
Sanji: What's wrong? 
Vi: I'm sorry. I just felt a little relieved, so... At the very least, from what I've seen of this town,  things still seem all right... I probably can't rest easy...but I think I'll make it in time...
Nami: Yeah. It does seem like a peaceful town.
Zoro: Hey Vi. You said you had a plan for stopping the rebel army, right? Viv nods. What will you do now? What should we do? If you think you're going to make it in time, it's better to act quickly.
Vi: That is true, but the garment was only to bring me to Alabasta. Nami hit her head.
Nami: Come on, now! Are you still saying that?
Vi: Nami-san
Nami: We travel this far together. We can't just leave you now.
Usopp: Yeah, Vivi don't be so distant!
Zoro: Stella is interested In this Warlord of the sea!
Nami: You don't have to mention that!
Always, too think that way!
Sanji: Not to mention people ate out to kill all of us but me.
Vi: sanji-san...
Nami: serious you see that. And besides, if this country gets destroyed, we won't be able to get our reward for bringing you here. Understand?
Vi: Yes
Nami: Very good, then!
Zoro: Go to hell.
Nmai: Thank you, Zoro! I haven't forgotten about your debt to me, either!
Zoro: Why, you!
Nmai: Even if I'm a ghost I'll still come for my money!
Zoro: You lousy---!
Nmai: You'd better pay the 400,000 Berries you owe!
Zoro: It's gone up!
Nami: It goes even higher if you're not quick to repay!
Zoro: Hey, Usopp! Say something!
Vi: Thank you.
Usopp: Forget it.
Nami-san is in the right!
Zoro: Say what!
Zoro: Next time I'm borrowing money from Stella. She wouldn't charge me that much.
Vi: The Northeweat of this city is an oasis called Yuba. That's where the real army is based. I'd like to go there first to stop the uprising. But to get to Yuba, we'll have to cross the desert. For that, we'll need to stock up on the necessary food and water here... But if Mr 3 is in town...
Sanji: Oh. In this case, it's no problem. He hasn't seen my face.
Nmai: That's right! You've met almost none of them so far!
Zoro: And one other!
Nmai: Oh yeah! Chopper, too
Sanji: That'll be perfect. We'll have a lot to carry. I'm counting on you
Chopper: Right! Got it.
Usopp: Hey, now. You go on me okay?
Chopper: I'll be okay! I will do what I can! He changed to his Reindeer form.
There is no problem like this, right?
Usopp: Alright! Now that's a human reindeer!
Vi: In that case, your help is appreciated.
Sanji: Leave it to us!
Vi: I've listed everything we need oh, and we'll need some clothes, too.
Ordinary clothes so we won't stand out.
Nmai: Ah. And perfume!
Sanji: Yes, Nmai-san
Usopp: Food and water! Tabasco!
Sanji: who cares about you?
They were off
Nami: And where could that idiot be, and what are they doing?
Stella and Luffy we're lost.
Luffy: Hmmm. It does not seem like there is a food place here at all... But, actually... Where are we!?
The town is far but in front of them.
Luffy: No choice. We* just have to go back the way we came. They went to walk back until Luffy saw a small house.
Mind. Smoke. If there's smoke, that's means. Food place! He grabbed Stella's hand and ran to there
Stella: Luffy. I'm going to get you back for this
Sanji and Chopper were buying food.
Says it's deer meat!
Chopper was shaking his head.
That's what's great about historical lands. Got all kinds of ingredients! Chopper looked to the left
What is it, chopper?
Chopper: There is something strange mixed on. With the small of the food...
Sanji: Strange? She smelt that air. Oh! That's the scent of perfume!
Yeah. That' shop there sells some.
Chopper; I don't really low the smell.. Hey!
Sanji was with a lady. That's a wonderful outfit miss! .but it and your exotic fragrance are put to shame by your raw charm. He moved closer to the lady's face. As he backed away.
Chopper grabbed his pants.
What do you say? Would to like to have tea--? Chopper pulled his pants down a little
What was that, Chopper? It was just getting good!
The girls left
Chopper: What are you doing?? Shopping cinea first!?
Sanji: Yeah I know.
Chopper: Oh, it's too much! This smell is making me sick...
Sanju: OK, that's okay. Don't rush yourself I'll do the shopping. You go wait over there. Later! Miss! He ran after her
Chopper: Os bea really gonna be okay? He began to walk. This is back in starting to have symptoms of a heat stroke. I need somewhere cool... He went in some kind of cart
An! That feels nice! I'll take a nap until Sanji comes back. Is that okay? Is it? I guess it is...
A man closed the door.
The cart states to move.
Sanji looked to be Chopped was gone
Where'd my reindeer go?
Vi: Nonohana is famous for its perfume, by the perfume is actually made at an oasis called Katorea.  It's a city west of here.
Stella: I don't think the place seems like w food place at all. We should go back.
Luffy: Anyone here? Huh! Is no one even here? He looked to be a barrel.
Oh! Water. He went to get some for them but nothing came out. Come on! Just a little would be good! He then sees a bag. What are these? He opens the bag.
Stella: Don't do what I think you're going to do.
What's this green powder? Is it food? It doesn't look very tasty... Stella not looking. He takes a lick. Yuck! Yuck! What's is this stuff,! Blech yuck!
Stella: What did I just say?
Luffy saw a furnace. He put the green bags in there. This stuffy ha oblivious poison! Now you brun!?
Stella: The heck you do that for.
Luffy: It didn't taste right.
The smoke became green
What a water of time that was. Now let's go and find a food place. They looked up. What is that!? It started to rain over them.
Stella: Rain... It started torso hevey.
Luffy: Oh! This is perfect! Water.
Man: What is this? Ahh! All the bags are gone! What the hell did you two do?
Luffy: Who are you?
Man: Shut up!
Man: I'm asking what you two did with the powder!
Luffy: powder I burned it all!
Man: You burned it? My Dance powder! My treasure!
Luffy: What's with you, old guy? Why are you so sad? He went to slice him with the sword. Luffy dodged it.
Man: Shut up! How dare you waste my prized powder! Do you know how much I spent on it?
Luffy: I don't care! Why would you want that poison anyway? The man went to slice him up a few times
Man: That's none of your business, you bastard. Give me my dream back!
Luffy: That stuffy was your dream?
Man: That's right. It was a step towards achieving my big ambition!
Luffy: I'm very sorry he bowed.
Stella: You don't need to know to him
Man: Apologizing won't fix things! Pay me for it!
Stella: Can't and won't. Don't have any money. He went to swing at her but missed.
Man: Don't say that proudly.
I even built this cabin out here and finally managed to get this far.
Luffy: Come on, don't be sad! You can just buy some more!
Man: It's not that easy to buy! The world government outlawed it. Being made or sold!
Stella: I'm sorry. Come again. He covered his mouth. So all that powder is illegal. She said as she was close to his face
Man: You found me out? He grabs his sword. Then die.
Chopper woke up Huh! Where am I? He looked to the front of the chat to see two men driving it.
He went back before he was caught. Huh? Huh? Who are they? Where am I?
He dropped some things
Rifles. The man went to see what the nose was. Chopper was able to hide.
Man: What's wrong
Man 2: Thought I heard a voice it's noting
Chopper: I dunno what's going on, but they seem dangerous! I should probably get out of here, quickly!  He went to leave but the cart stopped
Man: Good work. That took. While
Man 2: The weapons store guys really raised his prices, that greedy bastard
Man: It can't be helped. There's a huge redouble if they get found out, too.
Man 2: Where's Koza?
Man: Inside.
Man 2 We got a bit of food, too. It's on the back.
The man went to check.
What is this? They went and brought a whole deer?
Man 2: Koza. We got some weapons. Just a few anyway..
Koza: Yeah. Sorry for giving you such a dangerous job.
Man 2: it's moth is at all. Why are you in such a daze?
Koza: This county is screwed. It's either collapse for the inside or... Whatever the case, it won't stay at peace. We have enough men now after 300,000 of the Royal Army switched to our weapons side, but we do not have enough weapons... Or food. And our strength is at its limit. There's no point in shedding any more unnecessary blood. We're going to finish everything for good with our next attack! We, the rebel army must change the country!
Man: Hey! Want there a deer? Meat here
Man 3: Huh? Are you sure someone hasn't hauled it out already?
Man: Come on do better check will you?
A camel came asking for water.
Man: Water? That's some is that trough! Drink that!
The camel started to walk away.
The chopper was under the sheet of the camel. Until they were far enough.
Chopper: Am I safe now?
Camel nodded
Chopped: Whew! Thank you! But what did you help me?
The camel spoke to him
"I got no reason. I'm cool, ain't I? He laughs. You are so strange! Chopper or off. Thank you so much! He's a little strange, but he's a nice guy! I feel like I'm gonna see him again! Still, who were those people? Oh well. Now which way is Nanohana? He used his nose. He smelt perfume. This way.
The man ended up with two bumps in the face and a bloody nose.
Oh! You certainly are strong!
Stella: Oh that was nothing
Man: Yeah, I would think now! Not with your strength! My apologies!
Luffy: No, no! I apologize for burning your important stuff!
Stella: How about we call it a mutual apology?
Man: In any case, please keep this powder thins a secret!
Luffy: What! What was that powder?
Man: You don't know?
Luffy: No. It was yucky.
Man: That was stuff known as Dmace powder!
Stella: Damce Powder.
Man: It is also called " Rain-Summoning Powder." it won't cause that sudden downpour just now! Umm, shall I explain in more detail...
Stella: He would not understand anyway
Man: He looks like you wouldn't
Luffy and the man laughed. He hit his head you're a rude guy.
Man: In any case, this powder can artificially produce rain, yes. Dance powder, when released in the said, firms the cores for rain!
Stella was the only one paying attention to him. While Luffy just shook his head yeah
When moisture collects around them Clouds form and precipitate!
Luffy: So it's mystery powder basically?
Man: Well done
Luffy: You realm are a rude guy!
Stella: What would you wanna use that powder to make it rain
Man: You two don't seem to know anything about this country.
Luffy: No. We just landed by boat.
Man: This land of Alabasta has been battling with drought.
Luffy: Drought?
Stella: It's when it never rains and the land dries up! 
Luffy: I know that much.
Stella: Just saying
Man: So always, this land has always been low on water. And rain's been especially scarce these past few years
That's really something! Most oases have dried up now!
Stella: so they used the dance powder.
Man: Exactly! But the world government has outlawed Dance Podwer! They'll execute you if they catch you using it! It is also said to be what started this country's rebellion.
Stella: Really?
Man: I don't know much, though
Sanji and Chopper came back.
Luffy: Oh! Was your dream to use that mystery powder to save the country? You said it was important powder earlier.
Man: No, uuh, that's wash quite what I had in my mind... Well, I thought I could make a bunch of money by selling water in these hard times...
Luffy: Yeah, you could! Are you smart? But whatever. That has nothing to do with us. Guess I we'll keep looking for a food place again.
Man: Umm! Please don't tell anyone about this!
Luffy: I won't. I don't care.
Man: I beg you! I'll give you whatever I can!
Luffy: For real?
Man: For real!
Luffy had two bags of food.
Stella was able to change her outfit
Luffy: Oh, Thanks for these lunches, old guy
Man: Not at all! I hope it is to your liking!
Stella: It's more than enough! Bye.
Man: Please remember not to tell anyone!
Stella: Don't worry! We couldn't turn you in even. If we wanted to!
Man: Huh
Stella: After all, we are pirates!
Luffy: Thanks for the food.
Man: That's not fair.
Nami: This is wonderful. I love these kinds of clothes.
Vi: I know I asked you to shop for us Sanji-san, but are these outfits for dancer girls?
Sanji: Come, now! It looks marvelous on you!
Vi: I asked for commoner clothes.
Sanji: Dancers are commoners, too!
Vi: But we're going to cross a desert
Sanji: Don't worry! If you get tired, I'll carry you!
Vi: There is no getting through to him...
Sanji: But, compared to them you too clearly look like bandits
Zoro: How're you any different?
Usopp: Chopper: What're you doing?
Chopper: The smell is killing me...
Sanji: That reminds me, where did you go?
Chopped: Various places
Nami: Is he not feeling good
Sanji: Oh, the perfume's gotten to him.
It: That's right! Tony-kun has a sensitive nose! Some of it can be strong.
Nami: Like this? She sprays more.
Chopper: Stop.
Sanji: Mellorune loves the abyss!
Zoro: What are you, an idiot?
Usopp: In any case, we've accomplished our first goal of gathering supplies!
Nmai: We're going to a place called Yuba, was it?
Vi: Yeah, but first is a trek through the desert. It will likely be much more difficult than you imagine right now. There's no telling what might happen.
One won't step in this burning land, and there's no guarantee you'll survive. I'm still a little unsure and unsure ankle talking to you in such a place but I want to return peace to this kingdom! So I... So I ask you again! Everyone! Please lend me your help! I beg of you...
Nami: you finally said it. we have been waiting for it!
Sanji: There is no telling what happens on the sea, either. Right, Vivi-chan!
Zoro: Yeah: it'll be no different from before;
Chopper' I can't wait to see the dessert!
Usopp: Alright, guys! What do you say we get going to Yuba now?
All: Yeah!
Zoro: domes seem to be mission two people.
All: Luffy & Stella.
Luffy: This won't be enough at all! Give me some of yours
Stella: no told you to eat all of it. You're lucky I'm not that hungry.
Sanji: Stella-sama is stuck with that moron we have to save her. I brought her an outfit as well.
Luffy: You seem sad are you okay
Stella: Oh no I'm fine
Luffy: In know when you're lying. Are you mad at me for getting you lost? If you are I'm sorry.
Stella; No it's not that. It just. When Mr 2 was doing the face I saw someone from a long time ago.
Luffy: Whoa who was it?
Stella: You don't know her there is no point.
Luffy: Tell me.
Stella: The woman that took care of me before meeting you. Her name was Ava. I hope to see her again and truly thank you for taking care of me.
Luffy: Well we might find her and she can be part of our crew.
Stella: Maybe. She smiled.

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