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she rolled her eyes, ignoring his question. ''you're a complete dick, you know that?''

he paused for a moment in surprise. ''what?''

''okay, firstly, what bullshit are you feeding kali because she's completely convinced that you're her boyfriend?''

''i'm not! i've barely even spoken to her...she's just obsessed with me.''

''you're the one who slept with her!''

''i slept with a lot of girls...none of them are borderline stalking me!''

makayla scoffed. ''but you did tell them all that they're the best girl you've slept with.''

''what?!'' he scoffed. ''you're insane!''

''don't even say that to me, chris!'' she exclaimed. ''kali said you told her she's the best girl you've slept with, and i know she's not lying!''

chris opened his mouth to reply, but quickly shut it as he took a few moments to think over his answer. he didn't fully remember saying anything like that, but he did know that he was usually drunk when he was sleeping with someone and would speak nonsense when he was drinking.

''it didn't mean anything.''

her mouth dropped. even though she was pretty sure kali hadn't been lying, she had been hoping that she was. she even hoped that chris would deny it, so she could pretend he hadn't said that to anybody except her but here he was... practically admitting it.

''how many girls did you say it to, you asshole?!'' she yelled, hitting his arm. ''everybody?!''

he stumbled back slightly, looking at the girl. ''kayla, it doesn't matter!''

''you did, didn't you? you said it to everybody?!''

''i don't know! i was drunk and i wanted to have sex and girls like to hear it!'' he replied before a smirk appeared on his face. ''you know i'm a smooth talker.''

she folded her arms. ''i'm not laughing, chris.''

his smirk faded and he sighed. ''okay, i'm sorry.''

''whatever.'' she muttered. ''i'm going home.''

''no, kayla, don't-''

''i don't want to speak to you right now.''

he sighed again. ''fine.''

she looked at him for a moment longer before scoffing and walking by, purposely bumping her arm into his torso. chris watched her walk away, willing himself to say something, but he didn't know what.

she didn't bother turning around - she felt so angry. she knew that chris wasn't her boyfriend, and she knew that he had slept with other people, but none of that bothered her. the thing that bothered her was that she felt special when chris had said that to her but now...it turned out he was saying it to whoever he wanted.

she sighed to herself and walked home miserably.


ryan stood up from his bed, putting his phone in his pocket. ''mak? you wanna come with me?''

she looked up. ''where are you going?''

''nick's place.''

''no.'' she replied, shaking her head. ''but thanks for the offer.''

''are you okay?'' he frowned. ''you've been really quiet since you got back.''

''i'm fine.''

''are you sure? if practice didn't go well-''

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now