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Choices I've made can be hard to understand; explaining those choices, harder still.

My wife and I, though not affluent, took pride in our achievements and the life we crafted for our family. Like many, we juggled full-time jobs while investing in individual retirement plans. I'm aware that tapping into my retirement savings in my mid-40s for this chosen lifestyle might seem unconventional. It was a 7-year indulgence, a case of a fool and his money, as pointed out by my younger brother Mike on several occasions. I love my brother, and I'm sure he loves me, but at times, he operates on a different plane and has never been one to pull punches.

I acknowledge that others may have faced similar or more challenging situations, whether self-inflicted or not, and managed to move forward while maintaining the foundations of their lives. To those outside my inner circle, it might have seemed like business as usual in my daily routine. I recall venting to a friend years ago during what, at the time, felt like a tough period. He offered support and admired how I seemed to have it all together—marriage, family, and work. However, the repercussions of my decisions would soon alter everything within a few short years.

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