Chapter One: To Be Naive Is To Be Weak

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    The early spring air flowed through the vast Kingdom of Regalia, giving it a gentle chill. The sun shone evermore through the thick trees, illuminating the landscape in a beautiful glow. The morning was early, but even so, the streets were lively and filled with chatter.
Looming over the lively streets of Regalia is a beautiful castle, one that is also teeming with life and filled with chatter of its own. Servants and maids travelled about the castle, carrying trays of goods with the seemingly impossible mission of rousing the royalty of the court. The bell tower rings out in glory seven times, letting all those that hear it be weary of the time.
I shut my eyes tightly and rub my hands over my face, having been rudely awoken by the toll of the bell. I lift myself up slightly, the sun streaming into my eyes through a slit in the curtains as I rub them tiredly. Just as i had begun to come to consciousness, the door to my living quarters swings open and in comes my two ladies in waiting. I frown slightly, still lamenting in the fact that I was indeed awake and had work to do.
"Oh Princess, you're already awake! Lovely day it is, and you have much to do." My lady in waiting named Grace said in a chirpy tone as she went through my living quarters, drawing open the curtains and opening the windows. My room came into focus as the light of the sun flooded in full, the cool breeze of spring seeping in.
I groan in response to Grace, "Must you always be so cheery in the morning?" I ask, genuinely questioning my life. Grace chuckles in response, I notice my other lady in waiting, Evelyn, filling my wash basin with warm water. I see the steam rising from the porcelain and i slowly raise myself out of my bed to cleanse myself of the sleep that still seemed to follow me. I sit at the base of my bed for a moment, untwisting my white lacy nightgown from my night of tossing and turning. I stretch as I make my way to the wash basin before submerging my hands beneath the warm water. Grabbing the soap beside the wash basin I wash my hands and my face. Once rinsed, my eyes flicker up to the mirror... fuck, I looked exhausted. My green eyes were surrounded by deep dark circles and my lips were concerningly dry. I looked paler than usual, which was saying something as I'm incredibly pasty.
Only a couple seconds later, I feel a small towel being draped in my arms. I look over and see Evelyn with a small smile on her face.
"There you go, Princess." She said in a gentle tone, a tone I couldn't help but smile back at. I turn back to the mirror to dry my face and hands before placing the towel beside the basin to dry. I grab the toothbrush that sat beside the soap as Evelyn grabbed the jug of water and wet my toothbrush. I spoon on my paste and brush my teeth, removing the stale breath from the previous night of slumber. Once done, I spit into the wash basin and drink from the glass that was already provided by Evelyn. As i spit once again, I feel a tug on my sleeve and look over my shoulder to see Grace pulling me to the vanity. I begrudgingly followed her tug and sat myself down as Grace and Evelyn danced around me in a rhythmic routine to get me ready for the day. Evelyn worked on cremes to make my skin soft, rouge to make my skin come alive, a tinted lip salve to moisture my chapped lips and burnt cloves to darken my lashes and eyebrows. She added a new part to the routine, a paste that went under the eyes that made me look less tired than I felt.
As Evelyn beat my face, Grace worked on my hair. Her hands nimbly combed and expertly styled my long red locks into an elegant updo that had pearls strung through it with a few face framing pieces. As they finished I turned to the mirror to see the image they crafted so many times before. I looked...regal, fitting of my Kingdom's name I suppose. I nodded to my ladies in thanks and gratitude as i lifted myself off of the chair to get dressed by them.
     I put my arms above my head as Grace gingerly removed my nightgown leaving me bare and exposed. Evelyn quickly grabbed the gown I was meant to wear for the day along with all my supportive garments. A new white slip was placed on my skin, then a pair of white stockings and leather heeled shoes. Next was the corset laced gently, followed by a corset cover and a petticoat. Finally was the gown to be worn, it was a beautiful forest green velvet bodice adorned with gold trim and flowered embroidery. The sleeves were puffed at the top with that same velvet, then left to flow in a sheer green organza. My skirt was a pale pink organza that billowed behind me as i walked back to the vanity to put on my pearl drop earrings and matching necklace.
The bell tower tolled once more, one, two, three, eight times, thus signalling that it was 8 am. I look to my ladies and gestured for them to open the door so I could make my way to breakfast with my father and mother. The wooden door was opened by Evelyn, I lifted up my skirts lightly and walked through the door. My ladies stayed in the room to clean and strip the linens of the night. I was left alone to walk to the main hall where breakfast would be served.
      The tall white oak and gold trim double doors are opened before me as I stroll into the main hall. The room is ornately decorated with paintings from all across the land and sea, the walls are gilded in the same gold trim that graced the double doors. In the center of the room is a large dining table made of marble. The table is draped in a golden table cloth with white lace place mats holding the plates and cutlery. In the center sits vases filled with fresh wild flowers native to Regalia. As I step further into the room to take my seat in between my parents, I feel the energy of the room.
The energy was dark, heavy almost. It felt as though the weight of the world was suddenly on my shoulders and suffocating me from the inside. My gaze shifts to my mother, seated at the foot of the table. As I look at her, her expression is unreadable, her round green eyes having a glossy blank stare. I sit down on the plush chair, my hands resting in my lap as i tear my gaze away from my mother, instead placing them on my father. As soon as I look as his face, I could tell that he was the source of darkness in the room.
     "Good morning, Ophelia. We have much to discuss." My father spoke in a grim tone, a tone that sent a shiver down my spine.
     "Good morning father, mother." I say in a slightly hushed tone, nodding to each before continuing.
"What is it you wish to discuss, father?" I finish, my voice becoming slightly more confident. My father opens his mouth to speak, but suddenly the door to the left opens, revealing servants carrying out the morning's breakfast on their silver platers as usual.
      "We shall continue with this conversation after we eat. I must say, I am very excited to tell you about this." My father smiles, but something in his smile I couldn't put my finger on it, but something about this was wrong.
     "Alright, I look forward to hearing about it." I muster out, faking my enthusiasm.
     The servants began to buzz about us, placing our breakfast before us. I can't help but notice it was my favorite breakfast, one that is usually reserved for my birthday. Pancakes and strawberries are piled onto our plates, a boysenberry syrup served on the side along with whipped cream and chocolate. As I look out at the food before me, I can't help but glance back at my father. He looks back at me with that same smile as he did before, but this time it felt sinister. As I see his smile, it's like all the pieces began to fall into place, his choice of words, my favorite breakfast, my mother's expression...he's going to use me for something he has planned. This isn't something that is foreign to me, I've  been his chess piece ever since I was born. Nothing has changed.
      With that revelation in mind, I feel myself lose all appetite, bile rises in my throat but I force it down. I plaster the fakest smile I could and began eating my breakfast. Even though it was my favorite, it tasted like sand in my mouth, every bite losing its flavour just as it hit my tastebuds. Soon enough, everyone had finished eating. My father wipes his mouth roughly with his napkin as he addresses me.
      "So, about what we needed to discuss." He begins, I nod my head to him, urging him to continue.
      "As you know, you're getting older. You're almost 18, which is to be celebrated!" He finishes his thought, and for a moment, I feel safe, maybe I had just overreacted. It was only a week away till my 18th birthday, and usually there's some form of ball for a 'coming of age' event... maybe he's saying that there's to be a ball! My heart races excitedly as a genuine smile forms on my face. My father's gaze shifts under mine, but he keeps that same, almost sinister smile on his face.
     "You're to be wed on your birthday!" He says excitedly, clapping his hands together in joy as he goes to stand up from his chair.
      "I'm sorry, what?"

Authors Note!
This is my first time writing anything on wattpad so please offer up your constructive criticism! Also, at the end of each chapter, I will provide designs of the clothing I describe, most of which will be drawn by me. Along with this I'll also put photos of things that you may not know, for instance for this chapter I'll put a picture in of a wash basin. I hope this helps you visualise the world more :))

Ophelia's dress:

Ophelia's dress:

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Ophelia's hair:

Ophelia's hair:

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Wash Basin:

Wash Basin:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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