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Michael Leywin POV

"You know, if not for the fact that Michael awoke at 4, I would like to see you two spar" Dad said.

Arthur looked at me and Dad repetitively and said.

"Wait, so he not only has 9 cores but he also juped 9 stages?"

"Yup." I confirmed.

"Rey, Alice, I think that Arthur will also benefit if he goes to the Xyrus Academy alongside his brother, of course, I will sponsor him."

"So I guess everything is wrapped up now. Brother I'm kidnapping you to the garden, Ci, could you please bring The Tables, ink and quill?" I wrapped Art in a string of pure mana, put him above my head and ran away.

When I got to the garden I put him on the ground and waited for Ciel, to see her standing in our room window.

 "CIEL DON'T YOU DARE!" I shouted and she just looked at me while jumping.

I quickly ran under her and caught her at the last moment.

"You-Ap-Ci-Ep." I couldn't form words.

"Hehe." She giggled.

I carried her to Art and lay her on the ground. I finally un-tied, more like dissolved, ropes freeing Him.

"So do you happen to know Latin?" I asked him.

"Yes. Why do you need it?" He asked confused.

"Thought so since you were a king in your previous life." He looked at me in horror. "Ah don't worry, she already knows." I pointed at Ciel.

"But why didn't you consult with me about that?" He looked displeased.

"Because it's impossible." I shrugged my arms, while he looked confused. "She is the ability I chose. That is, glorified AI with a computer, nearly quantum, as the brain."

<"Hey, that's not nice, saying something like that about your girlfriend."> I got hit with her elbow. <"But he's right. And before you ask, I'm outside his body because I'm using his mana to form my body, so I look like him."> He opened his mouth but closed it. <"Also, you know that I know every language, so you could just ask me?">

I just had that 'oh yeah' look on my face.

"Anyway, what is the Latin word for fire?"

"Ignis." He said after a while.

I changed 'Fi' to 'Ig', since 'I' was already reserved. After that, I asked for the rest. Water was 'Aq', even though 'A' was free. Wind became 'Ve' and earth was 'Tr'. Space, time and existence became: 'ASp', 'ATe' and 'AEx' respectively. And pure mana became 'Pr'

"So what is this?" He finally asked.

<"Periodic Table but for mana and aether.">

"Uh okay? Anyway, I'm going to bed."

We also went to bed.

The next day.

While Art was tor-'sightseeing' Ciel and I had a lovely date.

"Nice to finally meet you, Arthur." I heard a voice when we were next door.

"There she is." I said opening while doors.

We saw Cynthia extending her hand to Arthur.

"Err... Nice to meet you too, Director."

Cynthia was taken aback by his introduction.

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