The Rizzler and the Gyatt

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The Rizzler and the Gyat - A TGCF Flower Shop AU

By children who are up too late when they have to work tomorrow


"Hello, welcome to Puqi Flowers!" Xie Lian called out upon hearing the ring of the bell at the entrance. "What can I do for y..." His jaw immediately dropped when he saw the tall, handsome, radiant man standing before him. He had pale skin, almost like a ghost, and long, layered black hair that framed his face beautifully. The thing that stood out to him most, though, were his different colored eyes: one black and one red.
"Hey," said the man dressed in red. He smirked and Xie Lian nearly fainted. "I'm looking for flowers to impress someone." Normally Xie Lian finds words easily and is very conversational, but right now witht his beautiful man in front of him, he could barely talk.
"U-um," He stuttered. "Well, these flowers are quite beautiful, and are sure to catch whoever you want to impress' eye." He gestures to red and white flowers that look like this:

" He gestures to red and white flowers that look like this:

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"Wow," The man dressed in red said, his eyes sparkling. "They really are gorgeous." He picks them up and smiles.
"Well then," He continues. "I think I'll buy these."
"Alright then!" Xie lian scans the flowers and hands them back. But the man dressed in red does something unexpected. He hands them back to him.
"The person I want to impress.... Is you."
INTENSE blushing going on now. Like the face of the guy in red is REDDER than whatever he's wearing. Pink anime lines and stuff, sweating. Like that snake demon guy after he got his head chopped off, but worse. His nose even bleeds a little. In his throes, he's barely able to conjure up any words, but eventually manages to say smth.
"My my, you're quite the rizzler."
Xie lian runs his fingers through his hair and bites his lip, "Anything for that Gyatt." ;-3
AND GEE GOLLY HUA CHENG COULD NOT HANDLE THAT. He transformed into a tomato and plopped onto the ground, leaving Xie Lian alone in the shop.
":O" Xie Lian was VERY surprised and could not believe his peepers. How could hitting on a hattt bae disturb the laws of physics? Cultivation didn't cover this. Actually, he wasn't even supposed to be hitting on anyone! Xie Lian shook his head, grabbed his broom, and went back to sweeping up.
Like later...
"OMG YIN YU YOU WILL NOT BELEIVE THIS" Hua Cheng gushed, throwing the door open of their shared apartment.
"Um, not over my salad," Yin Yu said in between chewing his wedge salad from that motonom or moteorom place near that starbucs on massachusetts street.
Hua Cheng flipped the table–which made the lettuce fly everywhere. He stepped on a tomato that was trying to roll away in order to escape this nightmare. "BRUH! THIS RLLY CUTE FLOWER GUY WAS LIKE TALKING TO ME! HE WAS LIKE "hey gyatt" AND OMG I THINK IM READY TO GET MARRIED LOLOLOLOL!!!!!"
Yin Yu ate a piece of bacon that had fallen into his lap. "Um..... okay? Why the heckity heck would i care?"
"Huhhhhh he's so dreamy. He's so beautiful and perfect and royal he's such a prince omg I need to go back right now and see him again" Hua Cheng exclaimed.
"Uh huh okay you go do that" Yin Yu sighed, staring at his motonoom salad.
"eEEEEEeeeEEEEeeeeeeeeEEeEeE I WILL" Hua CHeng shrieked and ran back out of the apartment.
Meanwhile, Xie Lian was talking to his co-worker Shi Qingxuan. "Gosh, I don't know. Was the gyatt thing too much? Is he ever going to come back here? Qinxuan WHAT WILL I DO IF HE NEVER COMES BACK HERE HOW WILL I LIVE EWITOUT THAT GYATT"
"Lian, dont even worry. You're such a rizzler I bet he's gonna come back any minute now." Qingxuan responded, and he'd barely finished his sentence when that very gyat came running back through the doors of Puqi Flowershop. The bell went flying across the shop with the force he opened the door with. His eyes were desperate and he was panting, clearly having run all the way here. He quickly made his way to the counter and cleared his throat.
"Your highness, you are the most beautiful, the most kind, the most elegant and noble person my lowly self has ever had the fortune to come across in this world. I hope I'm not being too forward right now, but I'll never forgive myself if I don't do this. I want to spend every moment with you, giving you everything you could ever ask for, treating you like the prince you are. So I'm here to ask for your hand in marriage."
Xie Lian smiled and Hua Cheng almost fainted.
"Like I said, anything for that gyat"
And they lived happily ever after.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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