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(Please look at the dates because the following scenes take place in different years)


December 23, 2021

A cool breeze brushed the back of Yunho's neck and he got goose bumps. He looked around and crossed the street. It was already dark outside and there was hardly anyone to be seen. Yunho buried his hands in his jacket pockets. It was just before Christmas and this was supposed to be the happiest time of the year, but Yunho felt endlessly empty. His parents had left for no reason for a business trip  that morning. Although it was Christmas, they had left their only son at home alone. Even though Yunho was already an adult, he didn't want to spend Christmas at home alone.

Yunho walked thoughtfully past a supermarket. After stopping and staring at the shop window for a while, he entered the store. At this time of day, it was a miracle that anything was still open. Yunho looked around and walked along the shelves. His fingers brushed against a few things but he didn't stop anywhere. He had no appetite for anything.

Just before he reached the end of the store he heard two voices. At first he paid them no attention and looked around the shelf of sweets. But then he realized that one of the voices sounded strangely familiar. He took a step forward and peered past the shelf. A little further away from him were two boys who were chatting and rummaging around on the shelf with noodles. They looked like students. Yunho tilted his head and watched them for a while. He was about to leave again when one of them turned around.

Yunho immediately disappeared behind the shelf again. But that one second was enough. He recognized the boy. It was the boy he had slept with a few days ago. It was the boy who had been on his mind ever since.

Yunho shook his head and tried to stay calm. He heard the two boys take something and then walk to the cash register to pay. He leaned forward again and looked at the two who were now standing even further away and we're paying. His gaze lingered on the brown-haired boy.

All the memories he had suppressed so far came flooding back. He still regretted letting him go that night. He didn't even know his name. But after the boy had said that they shouldn't see each other again, Yunho had thought it was best to follow his wish. Still, he wanted to see him again. Yunho had never been one for a one night stand. He would only sleep with someone he liked. And yes, he liked this boy, even if he didn't know him.

Yunho sighed and tried to concentrate again. Only then did he realize that the boys had already disappeared. He stared sadly into the empty space where they had just been standing. Yunho left the store again without having bought anything. Maybe in another universe it would have worked out between them, Yunho thought to himself as he strolled across the icy asphalt and made his way home. A home where no one was waiting for him.


Yunho unlocked the door to the huge apartment where he lived. Since his parents were hardly ever here, it felt like his own apartment. The door slammed shut and darkness enveloped Yunho. He took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he realized that something off. Something felt strange.

He pressed the light switch next to the door. He flinched when he saw several figures sitting at the table. There were three men, he had no idea who they were. Shocked, he stared in their direction and paused in fear. One of the men cleared his throat, then turned in Yunho's direction. Goose bumps formed all over Yunho's body. The man was wearing dark clothes, had a striking skull tattoo on his neck and looked anything but nice. Yunho was not afraid of a lot of things, but when he looked this man in the eyes, he knew he should be afraid.

"Well, look who's here," the man muttered, a grin forming on his face. It wasn't just creepy, it was disturbing. Yunho took a step back towards the door. The two other men sitting at the table laughed too. Yunho summoned up all his courage. "Who are you?" he asked. Instead of answering, one of the men threw a letter at Yunho, which landed on the floor in front of him. Yunho carefully bent down and picked up the letter. "Look at what your parents left behind," the one man said in a rough voice. Yunho's eyes turned to the letter. He recognized his mother's handwriting immediately.

"We are sorry. I hope you'll forgive us one day."

Yunho frowned, as he had no idea what his mother meant. He looked up again. The man with the tattoo folded his hands. "Do you know about the debt your parents owe us?" he asked. Yunho shook his head anxiously. The man huffed. "That's what I thought." He stood up from his chair and Yunho automatically backed even further away towards the door.

"Your parents thought they were smarter than us, but now look at this." the man pulled out his phone, then walked to Yunho. Yunho wanted to run away, but stayed in place until the man stood infront of him. Before Yunho even realized it, the man grabbed Yunho's jaw roughly and squeezed his cheeks. Then he turned Yunho's face towards his phone. Yunho had no choice but to look at the screen.

It was an internet article. A picture of a destroyed airplane lying in a meadow and smoking. Underneath it was written in bold letters: "Unexpected plane crash in the south of Gangneung."

Yunho no longer understood anything. The man's grip tightened and Yunho felt the pain slowly running through his head. "They thought they could escape, but what a coincidence." The man let go of Yunho and clapped his hands, laughing. "Unfortunately, their plane crashed. What a pity," he said with an ironic undertone. Tears slowly formed in Yunho's eyes. "What?" he blurted out.

The man stopped laughing and looked at Yunho's face. It was the creepiest thing Yunho had ever seen. "Since they're dead now and can't pay their debts, I guess we'll have to ask someone else to pay them." Yunho shook his head in disbelief. It wasn't true, they weren't dead. No.

Yunho felt himself being shoved against the door and his breath hitched. The man pulled out a knife. He held it to his throat. Yunho looked at him in fear, the first tears escaping his eyes. The man grinned again. "We don't assume you have any money, that's why we thought of something else instead of just killing you." The man signaled to the others and they stood up. Yunho swallowed as he felt the cold blade against his throat.

"It would be much more fun to take you with us, wouldn't it?" the man croaked. Full of panic and despair, Yunho stared at the man and couldn't stop crying.

At this moment he had had no idea that the next few weeks would be his biggest nightmare.


March 17, 2023

Yunho stormed into the huge house. San, who was sitting on the couch, looked up in irritation. Yunho walked to him. "I saw him," Yunho said. The pink-haired man got up from the couch. "What?" he asked. "The boy from two years ago." San looked at him in confusion, then it clicked. Ever since they had rescued Yunho and brought him here, he had only talked about this boy. As if he was possessed.

"Really where?" San asked. "We were tailing this one drug dealer today who was dealing to students from the university." San nodded. "He studies at the university. I didn't recognize him at first. He's changed so much, but his smile is the same." San nodded again. "And now?" he asked.
"Of course I need to find out more about him. His name, where he lives, everything."

San grabbed Yunho's arm. "Don't be mad at me, Yunho, but I don't think it's a good idea. If the others find out.." Yunho interrupted San. "If you don't tell them, they won't." San scratched his head thoughtfully. "Why are you so obsessed with him?" Something changed in Yunho's expression. "You wouldn't understand," he said, then suddenly walked away. "Where are you going?" San called after him. "To Yeosang. To ask him to help me track him down." A loud sigh left San and he dropped back onto the couch.


March 20, 2023

Yunho knocked on Yeosang's door and entered the room. Yeosang was sitting in front of his many screens as usual, doing something. "Is there anything new?" Yunho asked. Surprised, Yeosang took off his headphones and turned to Yunho. "Yes, come here." Yunho sat down next to Yeosang on one of his swivel chairs.

"His name is Song Mingi. He's 20 years old and studies with his friends. He comes from Seoul, so he lives in a student dormitory."

Yunho's eyes lit up as he listened to Yeosang..


Hope you liked the little insight into Yunho's story, it's a bit confusing but everything will make more sense when you get to know more abt him

Next part comes on Saturday <33

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