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We sat on the bed now, jeongin was sitting close to me, nervously munching on his popcorn, obviously avoiding my gaze.

"Jeongin..?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He said, looking up at me, his right cheek full of popcorn. Oh God he looks like a cute pretty..

"Did you call the company, like I said?" I asked him, looking at him with a raised brow. He looked away from me again, attempting to shove more popcorn in his face before I grabbed his wrist.

"Jeongin....did you call them?" I asked again.


"Oh my God." I sighed "jeongin, you promised me you would." I said, trying my best not to show how irritated I really was.

"I know....but...I got nervous." He mumbled.

"Innie, you can't just say you're going to do something and not do it, especially when it's something like this." I said, reaching out to take the bag of popcorn away as he tried to stuff his mouth again. "Nope, you're not running away from this conversation innie, why didn't you just tell me you were too nervous?" I asked.

"I didn't want you to get upset with me.."

"Innie." I sighed, grabbing his waist and turning him to face me. "I wouldn't have been mad if you just told me, I'm only irritated now cause you didn't do it." I explained.

"I know.....I just- I didn't want to stress you out anymore.." he said, once again avoiding my eyes.

"Innie....I was only stressed cause I knew someone had hurt you....I don't want him getting away with it, ok?"

"Ok..." He said, nodding a little. I put my hand under his chin, lifting his gaze to meet mine, giving him a warm smile.

"Tomorrow I'll call and make the complaint, will that be better?" I asked.

"Thank you Minnie..." He said. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't be, hun. I understand you don't want to deal with those corporate assholes, I wouldn't want to either, so I get it." I assured him. He nodded, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're so sweet Minnie.." he hummed, sounding a little sad.

"Eh, it's nothing." I said, rubbing his back.
"But If I'm gonna give them a complaint I have to know what happened?" I asked, innie went quiet again.

"Can you tell me what happened..?" I asked softly.

"I- i don't even know how to explain it....I could hardly comprehend what the hell was going on..." He admitted, genuinely sounding uncomfortable and confused.

"Well...why don't you just start from the beginning, you said you were two dated..?"

"Huh- no, no we didn't even go on one date, I just......flirted with him once..."

"So just cause of that he thought that you wanted to sleep with him??" I asked, completely offended by the idea.

" his office too.."

"What?! Wait- what exactly did he do, I want to know?" I asked angerly.

"I- I don't really want to talk about it minnie.....he just...I don't know.."

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