I love you.

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My Y/n,

How is everything you do so interesting and full of life and talent? Just watching you interact in the world has me awestruck. And it's not just me, I can't stop thinking about the way that you charm everyone around you. Your affectionate teasing brightens my day, and the more I get to know you, I can't help wondering where all this could go between us.

I've experienced a lot in life, traveling and meeting so many different people. But through it all, I've realized that you're what's been missing in my life. There's no humdrum with you around. You make even the daily moments breathtaking. Loving you is bliss, a constant euphoria with every embrace. You're my forever, the missing piece that completes my soul.

You've been working so hard to prove yourself, and it shows. I've seen you on the good days breaking out in laughter and after the rough ones breaking out in tears, and you're always beautiful to me. Your dedication and hard work inspire me endlessly. Your success is well-deserved, and I'm grateful to share this journey with you. Here's to you my forever friend. I'm beyond proud of you.

You should get an award for supporting me through all the rough patches. Your spirit and strength keep me going each day. You believe in my dreams, both big and small. And even still, you've turned our mishaps into laughter. I'm grateful for all our private jokes, our ability to laugh through everything. The time and effort you give to helping with these projects mean the world to me. The highest accolades to you, my giggle partner, my anchor, my love.

Listen, because I'm about to say something I never thought I would. Before you, I didn't believe in soulmates at all. I thought that romance was made up to make people feel better. But then I met you, and you've changed my whole world. Your smile makes my heart skip a beat, and I can't go through the day without wanting to hear your laughter. I can only hope you feel the same way about me.



Dear Y/n, I'm Waiting | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now