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"you can see me?" she asked, glancing around her house with the house phone tucked snuggly against your ear. "course i can, doll. blue really does wonders for you," his cocky tone made her scoff as she glanced down at the baby blue pajamas that clung loosely to her skin.

"you should know by now, doll. i see you everywhere," he chuckled, watching each movement she made. she was frantically but slowly looking around her, trying to spot the person she was on the phone with, who was apparently watching her. he continued to watch, enjoying the fear this was clearly causing. "don't look too hard, doll. you wouldn't want to give yourself a migraine."

"maybe i already found you and that's what's giving me a migraine," she said, trying to brush off the fear of being watched. a low, raspy chuckle sounded from the other end of the line, causing her skin to crawl. "oh, and where might that be, doll?" he asked with a deep voice. she stayed silent, obviously not knowing where this person was. "the bushes?" she said, clearly not confident in her answer.

"clever, very clever. maybe i'm right next to you,"
he teased, enjoying the rush he was getting from her fear. "did you lock your doors?" he asked with a smug smile on his face. "why? you wanna come meet me?" she teased, clearly still in fear. the man laughed, enjoying her wit. "perhaps i do, but the real question is..." he paused, knowing this would make her anxious. "did you?"

she breathed shakily as she answered. "yes," she said, still very scared. the man paused, letting out another low chuckle. "are you 100% sure you didn't forget anything?" she thought for a second. she obviously didn't lock her windows, why would she? it's not like someone was gonna break into her house.

she didn't reply to the man on phone, she kept breathing shakily and looking around to try and find him. "i'm surprised you're still breathing, i would have thought your heart would've popped at this point," his voice still sounded raspy, yet it was filled with humor. he chuckled as he watched with intense interest.

"as funny as you think you are, you're really not helping," she replied with a small chuckle, still clearly afraid. "what? this is helping me. i feel giddy. almost like a kid on Christmas morning." he sighed, smiling to himself as she chuckled. she was scared, but was playing along.

she was in her kitchen, walking around in laps. she came to a stop and sat on the island counter in the middle of her kitchen. "you know it's funny, the way you're walking around and your body is shaking, makes me think of a mouse," the man teased, enjoying the fact she was getting comfortable on the counter. "i'm surprised you aren't trying to hide under the counter."

she shakily chuckled. "i've always loved mice. we used to have them all around the house when i was younger, my dad never keep one. no matter how much i asked," she was breathing shakily, still very scared but calming down a little. he chuckled. her fear seemed to be fading but he was confident it would be back. he wasn't going to stop messing with her anytime soon. "did you have a favorite one? did it have a name," he was trying to prolong this call as long as possible.

"i'm sure i named one at one point, can't remember," she said, shrugging. she started feeling like this was any other call, just with someone she didn't know. she was gaining her confidence back, a good thing for him because it meant the game could continue. "so why are you still up so late, doll?" she sighed. "can't sleep, haven't been sleeping well the past few days," she said with a small frown, chuckling at the nickname.

his interest was piqued. it had a lot of different avenues it could lead to, and all of them were useful. "shat's been on your mind and keeping you up, doll?" he ask in almost a sweet, caring tone. "just..stuff i guess. i dunno," she replied with a shrug. he chuckled, realizing she was trying to be vague, which was smart for her. "aw, doll. shy do you always have to keep everything so close to your chest? can't the ole killer know what makes the doll tick?" she chuckled at the man's comment, but didn't answer.

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