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8 fucking am and someone is knocking like a maniac on my door what the actual fuck. I just threw some clothing on and opened the door.

"Goodmorning sunshine" Lando chirped
"Fuck sake Lando it's 8am"
"Well i wanted to see how you were doing" he winked
"Yeah sure come in mate, want some coffee?" I asked
"I rather some milk" he replied shy
"Sit down and shut up" i was not a morning person
"Now i guess our sunshine is not a morning person?" He joked
"Nope and never will"
"So with who were you last night?" He asked
"Mate you came here knocking on my door like a maniac just because you were curious to know with who i was yesterday?" I rolled my eyes
"Kind off but i found it like super weird, first you posted a photo of a dinner date and like an hour later Oscar posted a beach thingy" he explained
"Hey did you know, Sand comes from broken down minerals and rocks?" I replied nervous
"Can you like not scream" i shushed him

But it was too late there was a knock on my door and i knew exactly who it was.

"Goodmorning Lianna, you know the walls are very thin and I'm eager to know now with who you were last night because i heard Lando screaming"

Lewis walked just in

"Yeah sure come in" i rolled my eyes

I wasn't even one step from my door when i heard again a knock.

"Hey Anna" Charles said
"Yeah yeah come in" i replied annoyed
"Oh i see you have company" he looked at Lewis and Lando
They just waved at Charles with a big smile
"I swear to god if i hear one knock"
And there it was the knock
I opened the door and there stood Oscar i closed the door quickly and fixed my hair

"Oh i see" Lewis whispered to Lando
"What do we need to see" Charles whispered back
"Mate you really are stupid" Lando whispered

I opened the door again
"Oh hey Oscar, what are you doing here"
"I brought some breakfast"
"Oh now i get it" Charles whispered
"Yeah come in Oscar" i said and closed the door
"Heeey Oscar" Lando, Charles and Lewis said with a big smile
"If i had known i would brought some breakfast for everyone" he smiled shy
"Yeah I didn't know either they all showed up at my door this morning" i rolled my eyes

We all talked a bit about the race and stuff and went to the track. Lando,Oscar and Lando drove with me. Lewis wanted to drive himself to the track.

Me and Charles went straight to the garage and both sat down on a chair waiting for the briefing. I threw a pen at him and he threw some plastic cups at me. After a while we were both running around and hiding behind stuff until Vasseur came in.

"I see fucking daycare is open again" Vasseur rolled his eyes
"Sorry" Charles said
"Teacher pet" i joked
"Shut up Anna"
I locked my mouth and threw away the key
It was time to get changed and to check my phone for the last time. That's when i saw it.

That's it

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That's it. My whole world came falling down. I don't know what happened next but i was sitting against the wall on the floor my knees to my chest and i was just staring. The only thing i could do is scream in anger.

"Lianna you okay?" Charles came to check on me
No response
"Lianna?" He asked again
No response

He went away and came back with Oscar,Lando and Lewis.

"Honey tell me what's wrong" lewis held me
"My mom-" I stuttered
"What about your mom" lewis asked
"She- she" and i began to cry
"She passed away Lewis"
Everybody was hugging me at this point

Pierre POV

What the fuck i saw Charles running to McLaren and then to Mercedes. I kept watching and saw Lando,Oscar and Lewis running to Ferrari like their lives depended on it. I heard one loud scream i think the whole paddock could hear it. One thing was sure, it was Lianna. I dropped everything and just ran as fast as possible to the Ferrari garage. There she was broken down. I felt her pain in my heart, I couldn't see her like this. I love her.
I asked Lewis if i could come near her and he nodded at me. So i sat myself right in front of her with my hands on her knees.

"P-Pierre?" She stuttered
"I'm here, what happened" i asked
"My mom she passed away"
"Look at me Bunny" i said
"I know how much your mom meant to you and i know life might suck now, but you have to keep your head high. I know you can do this, you proved so many people wrong. Don't let this fuck you up. I know how strong you are and i know we will get through this i promise"
"I-i can't Pierre"
"Look Bunny you have to do this for your mom. I know her wel enough and she would kick your ass if you didn't get into that goddamn car"
"You're right bebe"

"Bebe" I didn't hear that one in a long time i missed it.

"Now get up, head high and walk out there like the badass i know you are. Make everyone regret what they said about you and most importantly make everyone proud Bunny" i kissed her forehead while Oscar gave me a dirty look
"Thank you bebe" she hugged me and i returned the hug

Lianna POV
The race

I pulled myself together and stepped into that car. I kissed my lucky charm and the lights went out.

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