Once upon a time, in a faraway land called New York, there was a tiny kingdom, peaceful, , and rich in romance and tradition. There in a stately chateau near the edge of the Hook and Ladder 8 Firehouse, there lived a widowed gentleman named Victor Lazslo, and his little Son, Dr Egon Spengler. Egon was playing with his pet Cat named Monique with his father watching. Although Victor was a kind and devoted father, and gave his beloved Kid every luxury and comfort, still he felt he needed a Father's care. And so he married again. Choosing for his second Husband, a man of good who has a pink outfit with Brown Coat with Fluffy trimming and Blonde Hair Like Egons named Jacques. he also had a Lion named Kovu, and two Sons just Egon's age, by name Peter Venkman who has Brown Hair Green Eyes and a Brown Jumpsuit with Green Trimming, and Trent who had black hair with a green shirt with army color sleeves with a hand print on it.
Sometime later, it was raining outside the chateau, and Victor had just died from an illness, much to the sorrow of Egon. It was upon the untimely death of this good man, however, that the stepfather's true nature was revealed. Cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous of Egon's charm and beauty, he was grimly to forward the interests of his own two awkward sons. Thus as time went by, the chateau fell into disrepair, for the family fortunes were squandered upon the vain and selfish stepbrothers while Egon was abused, humiliated, and finally forced to become a servant of his own house. And yet, through it all, Egon remained ever gentle and kind, for with each dawn he found new hope that someday, his dreams of happiness would come true. And that's where our story begins.
Egon Spenglerella
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