Helping A Big Black Dog/Letter from Parent (Re-edited)

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A/N: edited 3/21.2024 I edited this chapter by fixing some mistakes and changing the photo for the rucksack that Harry has in the cave. re-edited 4/26/2024 I fix some more minor errors.


"Prat"- talking

'Dumblefuck' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking different languages

"Enough" -familiar speaking/beast speak/gobbledegook

*Sit* -action

'This kid' -familiar/magical creature/ goblin thinking

Hello -writing/messages/news/letters

Chapter 2: Helping A Big Black Dog/Letter From Parent


Third Pov:

It has been five days now since Harry has returned to the Dursleys for the summer and he hated every second of it.  The Dursleys were worse to him this summer than the last. Again this year his Hogwarts stuff was locked away in the cupboard downstairs at first. Since he has been back he received even more harsh treatment than last summer when the Dursleys put bars on his windows and locks on his door. He suffers from multiple beatings that will leave a bunch of new scars. He suffered once again with doing all the chores in the house. At the moment Harry was making his way to the park a few blocks from the Dursley's home because Vernon once again had a business dinner but because of what happened last year instead of letting Harry stay upstairs he just kicked him out of the house with some sandwiches telling him not to come back until the streetlights come on. He was told if he wasn't back by the time they were in bed then they would be forced to sleep outside for the night. Harry slowly walks to a park that he knows has a small forest with a little cave that he found hidden away from muggles. When he was younger he used to hide in the cave from Dudley and his gang when his friends weren't there to save him he couldn't go to the library, and when his friends moved away. It was the reason that no muggles seemed to be able to find the cave where Harry hid many things in the cave over the years. 

After a while Harry arrived at the entrance to many of the trails that are in the batch of forest when he heard a russling noise. He turns and stands guarded ready to quickly draw his wand and blast if need be. After two years of Hogwarts suffering one near-death experience after the next Harry has learned to be ready to always be ready to pull out his wand and blast a chain of spells if he needs to at a moment's notice. However, when the rustling happened again Harry was not expecting to see a rather large black dog that looked about as hungry as him. Harry stares at the dog he relaxes a bit but still is guarded as he looks over the dog noticing that it is starved and looks as though he has been neglected for years. Harry looks around as if seeing if there was someone else not noticing any signs he slowly approaches the dog reaching out a hand. As he got close he saw that the dog looked scared he flinchs back and takes a small step back. This breaks Harry's heart so he kneels on the ground to be at the dog's height he speaks softly as he gently pats the dog's head.

Harry-*whispers*"Don't worry boy I won't hurt you I know all too well what that is like."

Sirius in dog form whimpers hearing that now that his godson was close he could see just how undernourished and short for his age. Not only that he noticed the slight scent of burnt flesh and blood. When he looked at one of his wrists and saw that Harry had rope burns on his wrist. He lets out a whimper and gently licks one of Harry's wrists seeing him wince which makes him whimper more but Harry just smiles gently.

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