Chapter 1

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Joseph stood in front of thousands of people, and he was ready to show off what he had been working on for the past 7 years. He had created a hologram projecting machine. The only small downfall was the fact that the thing was huge. It had to be plugged in at all times and could only be on for around 15 minutes at a time because of how much power it needed. It would overload itself after around 15 minutes depending what you were doing. Joseph bent down, flicked the power switch and listened to the humming sound begin. An LED screen popped up and Joseph went through the first time set up procedures with the audience. There were "ooos" and "aahhhs" when ever he turned a new part on. After about 20 minutes it was ready for use, and he clicked a little button that played a video. A hologram him stepped out of the machine and began talking. There were roars from the audience, everyone was so excited to be seeing a real life hologram right in front of them. The 15 minutes flew by and the hologram abruptly disappeared. The machine made a loud crashing sound and the humming went away. The room was complete silence. Joseph then walked back to the center of the stage and thanked the audience and everyone in it. 

As he turned away to go back stage he heard someone yelling at him from behind. He turned around to see everyone sitting in their seats waiting for the next speaker, except for one person. There was a taller man standing closer to the front wearing a slick black suit with a red tie, and a large pigeon mask on his head. Joseph rubbed his eyes, was there really someone in a pigeon mask? Sure enough, after he rubbed his eyes the man was still there. Joseph walked back to the front of the stage and picked up the microphone. 

"Can I help you" Joseph asked the man in the mask. The man walked right up to the front of the stage and hopped up onto it. Joseph's mind was racing, where was security? The man with the mask took the microphone from Joseph and held it up to the beak on his mask.

"I am the CEO of Omega Corporation. We are the most advanced technology company on this planet" The man in the mask turned to Joseph

"Would I be able to demonstrate our latest product?" asked the man. Joseph was beyond confusion at this point and had no idea what was going.

"Sure" he said as he stepped back 10 paces. The man pulled out a small cube from his pocket. He held it up and once again turned to the audience.

"This is the Holocube, our newest product" said the man as he put the cube onto the ground.

"This device has a USB on the bottom, all you hand to do is plug it into your computer and put any sort of photo or video onto it." the man spoke. 

"Once you have done that, press the button on the very top and it will give you a small menu, I will now select a video I put on here before this." The man pressed the button, and after a few seconds he put it back onto the ground and took a few steps back. A hologram him (still with the mask) popped up and started to walk around the stage. The audience erupted in cheers. His product was decades more advanced than the one Joseph had previously shown. After a short five minutes the man walked back out onto the stage and grabbed his cube.

"Thank You" the man said as he walked off the stage and returned to his seat. He was swarmed by people with cameras and microphones wanting to interview him and learn more about him. He talked to a few but went right past most. He sat down in his seat and stared up and Joseph, who was in complete and total shock. 

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