Chapter 4

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Ryan grabbed his laptop and put it in his bag. He opened it up to make a quick check on what he already had. He had his wallet, some granola bars, his phone, a tooth brush, and his laptop. He had no idea how long he was going to be gone. He realized that the tooth brush would not have much use without tooth paste, but he figured it was the thought that counted. He zipped up his bag, slid it onto his back, and headed downstairs. He walked into his living room and sat on the couch. He wondered how long it would be before Nolan was back. His parents were both high up on the corporate chain, and had very well paying jobs. The only unfortunate part about that was the fact that they were rarely home to spend time with Nolan.  Ryan's in depth thought was interrupted when Nolan came crashing through the front door. Ryan jumped so high he nearly fell of the couch.

"What is going on?" yelled Ryan towards the front door as he stood up to go see what had happened. He walked around the corner to see Nolan lying on the ground with a backpack stuffed full. The bag looked like it weighed 400 pounds. Nolan looked up at Ryan and calmly said:


Ryan looked at him confused beyond belief. He looked up from Nolan and saw that his door was open, and outside was one of Nolan's parent's BMWs. It was parked slightly crooked and was way to close to the door than it should have been. Ryan looked down at Nolan who was still laying on the floor. Nolan looked back at him with a guilty smile. Ryan stepped over him and stood in the front doorway. There was a car parked so close to the door the only possible way to get out would be to climb atop the hood and slide down. While Ryan was trying to figure out how to get out without damaging the nice car, Nolan got up and walked over to him. Ryan took a step back from the door and looked at Nolan.

"Ladies first."

Nolan punched Ryan on the arm and then scampered across the hood of the car. He got into it and pulled away from the door, he then put the vehicle back into park. Ryan walked out and then closed the front door. He walked up to the hood of the car and looked at it closely. Only a few dents. He then walked over to the passenger side door and got in. He looked over at Nolan who was frantically trying to get the vehicle back into reverse. 

"Wait a second" said Ryan to Nolan.

Nolan stopped trying to get the vehicle to go into reverse and looked over at Ryan.


Ryan paused for a second before asking Nolan what he was wondering.

"Do you have your license?"

Nolan froze, he wasn't sure what to say. So instead of saying anything he just pulled the vehicle into reverse, started laughing, and turned the radio up. Ryan face-palmed as Nolan drove right through a stop sign.

Ryan lifted his head to take a look at the clock, it had been fifteen minutes. Those fifteen minutes were the longest he had ever experienced. He did know where they were, but he was able to tell it was a residential area. This meant the speed limit should have been around 25 mph. He leaned over and looked at the speedometer. He then leaned back and laughed to himself. Nolan heard him and and looked at him,

"Got a problem with my driving?" Said Nolan sounding weirdly serious. Just as Ryan was about to comment on the negative driving skill that Nolan had, he yelled and pointed out onto the road. Nolan swerved and got back into his lane. Ryan laughed to himself yet again and leaned back in his seat. Without turning his head he said to Nolan,

"How long till we get there?"

Nolan shifted in his seat and took a large breath before saying,

"I have no idea where we are."

Ryan looked out of the window, hoping to see something that reminded him of where they were. He saw a bus stop up ahead.

"Hey Nolan, why don't we just stop here and take the bus to the convention center?"

Without looking this time, Nolan said,

"You don't think I can get us there?"

Ryan rolled his eyes and said,

"Nolan, I think its best if I don't answer that question."

Nolan silently agreed and attempted to park on the side of the road. He was going way to fast when he went to stop and his front right tire went up onto the curve. Both Ryan and Nolan we thrown forward when the tire hit. Nolan put the car into park and got out. He had had enough driving for one lifetime. 

The two stood at the bus stop for ten minutes without saying anything. Nolan was holding his tablet and was on the website for the bus they planned to be taking. He turned to Ryan.

"The bus should be here in a few minutes, we'll have to take it for like 40 minutes, then get off and walk a few blocks"

Ryan looked at his watch, 4:30 pm. He was surprised at how well this plan was actually going. He looked at Nolan.


Nolan took a few steps to the side and sat on the bench that was close to them. Ryan followed behind him. Sitting down felt nice after standing for so long. 

The sit break ended soon after as the bus pulled up. They both stood up, Nolan put his tablet into his bag, and the two stepped onto the bus.

They handed the bus driver a few bucks before turning to see no empty seats. The least occupied seat had one girl on it, who appeared to be close to their age. She was wearing black lipstick, had earbuds in, and looked none too pleased to be on this bus. Ryan started walking towards the seat but then stopped, he wasn't sure if this was a good idea. 

Nolan pushed past him and took a seat next to the girl. He looked over at her and put out his hand, she took one earbud out.

"Nolan" he said as he grabbed her hand and shook it.

She sat there for a few seconds, as if she was not sure what to do next. She looked at Nolan.

"Jade" she said as she took her hand back and put her earbud back in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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