One Little Item.

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"Here is your schedule for the next eight years.

You will be working from the hours of 7 AM to 10 PM.
Your tasks will be given to you every morning. You have no choice but to do your tasks by the end of the night.
If your work is not done, then you will not get sleep nor privileges for that day.

Clothes, selfcare items, and other such basic needs will be meant. Especially for you ladies.

You will be given three meals a day. You will eat every meal whether or not you are hungry. If you do not, then there will be an officer to 'help' you.
After every meal there is a twenty-minute break before you will continue to work till the next meal.

At the end of the day, you can have a shower, an hour of down time before bed. You will be allowed to keep a single personal idem from the beginning. Anything you want from your home besides the obvious electronic devices.

Once a month you will be taken to the boss and he will grant one item to you if he finds it acceptable.
You will address him as Boos, Lord, or his Honor.
You will be assigned an Officer to be your one caretaker. That Officer will report every day of your obedience.

Resistance, refusal, back talk, and attitude will be punished based on your offense.
Resistance, based on the level of your resistance. A whipping is most common.
Refusal is a simple beating, though most of the officers have batons.
Back talk and attitude will reduce food, lack of privileges, and a 'light' hitting reprimand.

Any part in stopping or delaying production will be brought before the boss or instant death. Lucky for you only two people have ever tried to stop production and well, not even I have seen either since.
The boss doesn't take too well to those kinds of children.

Now follow me through here so we can get you started on the worst eight years of your entire miserable little lives."

Tommy bit his lip to not scoff. the Officer was the dumbest man on the fucking earth. There was no way he greeted every teen like this.


He was ten. His adopted father had told him everything about this 'school'. He knew exactly what happened in these walls.

He was here for three things. A small thing he and his father had been working on for years. Three things that Tommy could do.

1. Find his blood older brother.
2. Find out what happened to his father's best friend when they were in here.
3. Explode this shithole.

Tommy hadn't many adults tell him what happened in this place. But he trusted his adopted father. He wanted to save these hundreds of lives and free the guilt on his father's mind.

He wanted to get his older brother. He needed his older brother. He needed his Blood God. He needed the Sire of the Blade family

He needed Techno.

He was going to find his brother and explode this hellhole. End this misery. He was going to do this.


"Next!" the Officer called. Tommy stepped up. "Empty your pockets and remove your shirt." the Officer said.

Tommy shrugged to himself and pulled everything out of his pockets. He removed his shirt. "Take off the necklace."

Tommy put a pathetic look on his face. No "But it's my moms ashes. Can I keep her with me please?" He cried.

The Officer looked uncertainly at the first Officer. "Let him keep it." Was the answer. Tommy puckered his lips more and cried loudly. "Oh! Thank you sir!!" "Come on." The Officer at the gate said.

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