15~ Argument

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Author's POV,

He pushed her inside the car and sat in the driving seat before pulling the car on the driveway.

She turned her head away looking outside of the window and not sparing him a single glance who was glaring at her with anger.

"She is my mother."

He broke the silence with an angry roar not having enough patience to control his irritation.

"So What?" She coldly asked making him frown.

"You Can't fucking talk with her like that."

"Do you want me to be mute, Why didn't you marry a mute girl it would have been better for you."

His anger rose with her each word and he gritted out, "I Fucking didn't say you would have kept mute, but a little decency wouldn't have hurt you."

Her brows furrowed and she turned to look at him, "Ain't you being bipolar Mr Singhaniya, with whom I am joking, YOU ARE BIPOLAR."

His hold tightened around the steering wheel and he tried to control the wrath overpowering his sane mind.

"If you are talking about the way I talk with Adhiraj Singhaniya, It's none of your business."

"What an irony!! A cheater is hating another cheater-

Her words got stuck in her throat feeling his lips on her, her breath got stuck when he pushed her inside the seat and sucked her lips while nibbling them passionately.

Her heartbeat accelerated when he pushed his tongue inside her mouth dominantly fighting with her tongue, her long nails dug into his muscular back through the thin layer of his white shirt in an attempt to pull him away, but the way he was dominantly handling her it was hard for her fragile body to even move.

She tilted her head and noticed that the car was still running on the road, he didn't pull the brakes.

Her eyes widened in horror when she noticed a huge Bus was going to crash with their car.

She gathered her all courage and pushed him away before moving to another side and saving the car from crashing with the huge vehicle, she successfully dodged the upcoming damage and pulled the break stopping the car at the roadside.

Her wild breaths came to a halt and her horror-struck eyes turned to look at him only to witness him smirking while burning the cigarette.

His lower lip was bleeding while her lipstick was stuck in the corner of his lips.

"Psycho!!" She snarled and closed her eyes still trying to calm her burning heart, she couldn't even think what would have happened and his unbearable calmness was getting on her nerves.

"Are you scared of dying?" He asked while blowing the smoke, his eyes filled with mockery.

"No, But I don't want to die with you."

She felt a hard tug on her waist and in a second she was lying on his body, his hot breaths filled with nicotine fanning on her rosy cheeks.

He dodged the cigarette out of the car window and brushed his knuckles against her red cheeks.

"Look Into My Eyes Jaan," He ordered in his raspy voice and unknowingly she obeyed without her will.

His lips curled up in a twisted smile and he whispered near her lips staring deep into her eyes, "My lips would lie but my eyes can't, Look deeper you would see a loyal man who is committed to his love, the man who was always loyal to you by heart, body and by soul."

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