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"Hey Tricia." Karen waved at her friend the minute she saw her as she was incredibly happy to see her. While she wanted to hug the other, she had to hold back from doing so since the other would probably push her away again. She couldn't say how many times she'd overall struggled preventing herself from hugging her friends.

She was just so used to hugging people since she was around her brother (sometimes brothers) and they'd be fine with hugs. But Tricia was different. Tricia was....a friend. Not a family member. Plus she had her teddy bear to hug. She tightly hugged her teddy bear and nuzzled into it as she turned to the one who'd just arrived. Her friend wore her usual outfit but what caught her eye was the way she looked in the sun.

It was rare she even saw the sun since she hardly ever went outside and to see something rather than the miserable cloudy sky was a relief to her. It made her feel joyful to be outside. Though the brunette female gave her friend one of her warm joyous smiles so that the other wouldn't be upset with her gaze on her.

As much as she wanted to make conversation with the ginger female, she wasn't sure if the other wanted to make conversation with her or even interact with her altogether. Before she'd befriended the ginger, she'd actually never been around another girl her age before however since she didn't tend to look at gender, being around a girl felt like being around a boy to her.

She was often clingy with everyone without meaning to be which was probably the reason her friends (mainly Tricia) had yelled at her. This had happened so many times that at this point, she was almost scared to talk or interact with any of her friends though she pushed on anyway since she wanted to be as good of a friend as she could be.

She carefully stood up and headed over to the doors of the school, gently pushing them only to find they What the-? Was Firkle already inside?

She carefully cracked the door open and peered inside only to be met with a fresh wave of hostile air so she quickly shut the door and backed against it in case whatever the creature was came outside. "Firkle was given the key during the last break right?" She wanted to make sure it had been the goth boy who'd had the key last otherwise how the heck had the other even gotten inside? Maybe he'd used a paper clip though or some kind of safety pin. Whatever he'd used was pretty cool though.

Then again they could've also left the door open when they'd last come here since she didn't have any real proof that her friend was actually trapped inside. Though she leaned her head against the door, only to hear a force violently try to throw the doors open which threw her a bit off guard. "Firkle?? Is that you?" She heard no answer on the other end as the force kept continuing to try to come out. Whatever it was really wanted to get free and she wasn't sure if that force was actually her little gothic friend or if it was something entirely unrelated to the ravenette.

Straightening, she let out a sigh as she hugged her teddy bear close to her as if her life depended on it. She had an incredibly bad feeling about this already and felt as if she were trapped in one of her older brother's horror movies. She absolutely hated horror and would cry at everything horror. Hell, if her friends were to watch horror, she'd opt out almost immediately. Horror was not her style nor would it ever be.


"I'll go look for him." Ike muttered as he turned to the brunette female who was now leaned up against the doors looking as if she saw a ghost.

"Do you mind moving just a centimeter so I can see what's on the other side?" However his friend didn't necessarily budge which got him a bit on edge. "I said-"

He broke off, seeing that his friend was now even more afraid than before.

He rolled his eyes as he gently grabbed the brunette by the arm and led her over to where the ginger was standing before he headed back over to the doors. "Now to see if there is really anything on the other side!" He carefully opened the door only to be met with darkness and a small wave of fresh air. Fresh air? Something wasn't right here. There was no such thing as having fresh air in this place. He shook his head as he slowly walked inside and shut the doors behind him.

Having seen some of the horror movies his older brother and his friends would watch, he instantly felt as if this was one of the horrors that came straight out of one of those movies and this was something he absolutely hated. It was like reliving the horror of realizing his actions in kindergarten were actually not okay.

Was he going to pay with his life? He'd gotten better over the years of course and had tried to keep his vulgar language to a minimum but alas it still slipped out and it would make Karen rather uncomfortable which was the main reason why he'd tried to stop. He cared about his friends too much to lose them anyway.

It felt like yesterday when he'd met Firkle for the first time sitting along in the back of the school in the fifth grade. That's when he'd met the little goth that was. The other would always hang around the other goth kids but then the other goth kids graduated and the little goth was left alone so he'd had approached him, talked to him and everything.

He was aware of the other's not so good luck with others but he'd assured him that he wasn't like them. Sometimes though he could get a bit too annoying around his friend since at this age he was just naturally annoying. Plus he was the only other male in the friend group so he felt like he could be more himself around him. Not that he couldn't be himself around the girls but he secretly assumed that the girls just weren't fond of him so that's why he tried extra hard when it came to befriending the other.

He'd met Karen and Tricia through his older brother when he'd brought his friends over for his sixteenth or seventeenth birthday. He couldn't exactly remember which of the birthdays it was but all he knew was that Craig and Kenny had brought their siblings along and he'd talked with them briefly though they didn't enjoy talking to him as he did talking to them so their conversation didn't last for very long. It wasn't just the fact he talked too much, it was plenty of other things too.

There have been many throughout his years of elementary school that have told him he'd given off bad vibes because of how he looked, talked and even walked. He assumed they were just being rude to him so he hadn't commented on any of their rude comments.

He suddenly saw a white creepy clown face hovering through the air straight at him and immediately ducked as its silent laughing face. Gulping, he quickly ran forward until it was that he stumbled upon a living figure.

"What in the?-" But then he stopped as he poked what appeared to be a body. One that was alive. "Is someone there?" Reaching into his pocket with a shaky hand, he whipped out his phone and quickly turned on the flashlight. "Oh hello there Firkle, what a pleasant surprise. I had no idea you'd locked yourself in this building."

Standing up, he grabbed hold of the other's wrist and helped him up as well.

"I say we explore this amazing creepy looking school. The girls can wait outside and be their dorky selves while we men have all the fun. What do you say?" Realizing he still had a hold of the other's wrist, he quickly let go and smiled sheepishly as he shut off his phone light and folded his arms neatly behind his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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