III : Maybe I Belong Here.

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The two story house seemed to of been a mirage as when they walked in, the house turned into a large mansion on the inside. The house was nicely decorated and gave off a dejavu feeling as it was decorated with common items in most homes. The wallpapers seemed outdated as some were peeling as well as the over all pattern being a floral print you'd see in an older house. The wooden floor and wallpaper travelled throughout the house, only the wallpaper changing in the rooms.

As Donnie, Slenderman and EJ entered they were greeted by a lovely living room with a loud woman-like shriek followed by a woman shouting in the next room. As they waited, a blonde male with a green tunic ran through the room followed by a pale woman with a black dress who was holding a bat.

"Jane!" Slenderman shouted. The woman stopped in her tracks and hissed at the blonde boy who was now getting away from her. The woman's attention shifted to the tall man who called her.

"Yes, boss?" Her voice was soft and caring - as if she wasn't going to bash someone's head in a moment ago.

"I need you to show Donnie around and bring her to her room." He explained, pulling out a key from his pocket. The key was a small one, it had a similar key chain as the sketchy motels with keys instead of keycards and it had a number on it. One of Slenderman's tendrils slithered it's tip through the key ring and brought it into Jane's reach. She grabbed it and nodded, turning her attention to Donnie as the tendril retracted. Jane walked over to the them and greeted her with a smile. Her movements seemed very animated, her walking was bubbly and her hair swayed perfectly.

"I'm Jane, I'll show you around." She said. EJ's hand extended to try and grab Donnie as he left with Jane, he was a little too slow. He didn't want to be parted from her. He poured before walking to his room.


The two went around the large building, the tour lasted about 15 minutes. Donnie was shown that the living room was the heart of the house; having two stairwells that lead to the "wings" of the house as well as a large doorway to the kitchen and another for the "hospital."

The "wings" of the house were labeled so as it resembled similarity to a whole other building full of bedrooms. The left staircase leads to the male wing where most of the men live while the right is woman's, there's one exception as one of the men essentially live on the woman's side. It wasn't a mix up or anything but Tim is really close with Jane and prefers to stay in her room most nights. Each wing has multiple bathrooms and the male wing contains the main office.

The hospital part of the building contains a small office where nurse Ann resides along with the surgical room where Dr. Smiley works.

Donnie was introduced to the surgical staff as well as a few other members of the household that she'd be seeing more often than others. One of the people she wasn't introduced stood ominously and tall in a corner and watched her as if she were prey. He had a sinister look on his face, and it didn't make it better as he looked like a depressed clown. She told Jane about him and Jane gave him the stink eye which had him flee.

"Don't worry about him, just stay on this side of the house and you should be fine." Jane reassured her. As the tour came to an end Jane dropped Donnie off at her room.

"There should be clothes in there of multiple sizes, if you have trouble don't be afraid to ask me for help I'm just across the hall." Jane said, smiling to Donnie. Donnie thanked her and walked into the room, shutting the door to get dressed. Jane walked into her room and faint giggling could be heard as Tim was already in Jane's room.

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