17~ In the middle of the night

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"Understood, sir!"

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"Understood, sir!"

Yuvan caught wind from his guards about some wiretapping, so he decided to play it safe and park his car in a remote spot and of course, he had to look cool while doing
it - rocking his black cap, leather jacket, and badass black boots.

"I want zero mistakes and I absolutely mean it!"

Yuvan spoke, ensuring every word was clearly emphasised as he tapped the wire and firmly held onto the steering wheel.

"Yes boss."

Yuvan glanced at his mask sitting on the passenger seat, picking it up and examining it closely. The mask had the power to conceal his identity with just a simple piece of fabric, making him as elusive as an eagle.

Vikram Goenka is like a snake, always an enemy of Yuvan Shekhawat. He won't hesitate to sacrifice his own family if it means saving himself. This guy has done every dirty deed imaginable in the world, and it shows in his cruel face.

He went from Bilaspur village a long time ago, riding a horse and using his friendships to his advantage. Unfortunately, he ended up betraying his friend and their family to climb the social ladder. He thought getting rid of any obstacles along the way would help him reach a higher position, but he never considered the consequences, getting blood on his hands!

No matter how much someone messes up, eventually karma catches up with them. We can believe that a person will get lucky and be saved once, maybe even a second time, but how long can that streak of good luck really last?

The person who picked the sin-filled path in this world has finally met their demise, and Mitesh Joneka is next in line for destruction. God has already sent someone to make him suffer intensely, bringing tears of blood to his eyes.

Yuvan woke up suddenly, and he was surprised to see the same thing again on his on-going mission. He rubbed his face and shook his head to clear his mind.

"O 258 OH |35 A whopping car number plates have made their way into the forest roadside!"

Yuvan looked to his left and noticed the black car approaching behind him, thanks to his guard's wiretapping skills. He armed his gold plated gun with bullets, revved up the engine, and gripped the steering wheel with his veiny left hand.

"Pick up your pace immediately after 35 seconds."

"Copy sir!"

Yuvan was driving his car behind the Geoneka team, just chillin' and maintaining a normal pace. He didn't want to risk giving them any clue about his plan. After a while, he couldn't help but smirk as his eagle team started appearing from behind, one by one.

He was zooming in his car and pulled out a gun. He kind of leaned out of the car window and boom! He shot right at the tire, trying to mess with it. The car started wobbling and lost control, smashing into a tree. That noise got the Geoneka party's attention!

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