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a/n: you take revenge on natasha (i don't know how else to describe this leave me alone)

Natasha leaves a light kiss on your jaw as her fingers keep pumping in and out of you, her blonde hair disheveled and messy. You cry out a moan, your legs shaking as her palm creates friction on your clit.

When she notices how you're on the brim of coming, she suddenly slows down — so much that's it's basically impossible for you to reach your climax now. You groan frustratedly, making her smirk.

"Nat, come on", you whine. "You can't do this again."

"Patience, baby", she reminds you quietly. "I'll tell you when you're allowed to come, hm?"

You cry in frustration. "Dude-"

"Don't 'dude' me, Y/N."

"You can't be fucking serious", you grunt, grabbing a pillow and covering your face with it. She instantly pulls it away, a stern expression on her face.

"Watch your mouth", she warns quietly. You roll your eyes and her expression softens a little; Natasha leans down, lightly kissing your lips. "Beg for it", she whispers. You feel your cheeks heat up as the words reach your ears, the embarrassment only turning you on more.

"Please, Natasha", you mumble, your eyes closing. "Please let me come. I...I'll behave, I promise."

"Mhm." You can feel her hand moving in and out of you again, sending waves of pleasure down your spine. You moan softly. "Keep going."

"I'll be a good girl", you breathe, the scarlet red on your cheeks now manifesting itself on your heaving chest as well. The woman nods, trailing kisses along your jaw and down your neck. "Please, Nat."

She smirks, her movements slowing down again.

You'll be in for a long night, it seems.

. . .

"I hate you", you mutter almost an hour later, grabbing your shirt and putting it on.

"You love me", Natasha replies, kissing the top of your head.

"Well...you're lucky I do!", you yell after her as she disappears into the bathroom. You groan quietly as you stare at the heap of clothes on the floor, then you get up to brush your teeth and get ready for bed as well.

. . .

"Ready?", you ask a few days later, putting the other earring in as you watch Natasha get into her blazer.

"Ready", she says, her eyes running up and down your body. "We could also stay home", she then suggests, her lips curled into a small smirk. You shake your head, then you open the door before you leave.

You're going to a gala event Tony's hosting at the compound tonight — something about a fundraiser for aspiring STEM students in less privileged communities. You're only going because you have to, but you're still looking forward to tonight because you have something special planned.

The drive to the event is peaceful and quiet. You talk a little, listen to music, stare out the window. Natasha's hand finds its way to your thigh quickly, her thumb drawing circles on it. You smile at her, placing your hand on top of hers.

The event is full of rich people in fancy clothes, drinking expensive champagne and talking about stuff you're not interested in. You let your girlfriend pull you to the side, where she smirks as she pulls you into her.

"Nat", you say quietly, raising your eyebrows.

"I'm just hugging my girl", she replies, her eyes locking with yours. "You look stunning in this dress."

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