chapter 4 party.

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Third person pov

Kim woke up with cold sweat all over his forehead. Breathing heavily, his heartbeat was going so fast that he thought it was going to come out.

" Why did I dream of this? it's been happening quite often now." Kim said with a sigh as he looked at his phone. It's 7:30a.m. in the morning. He have to get ready to meet his father.

'Knock knock'
"It's Big kap, I will bring your coffee to you. Can I enter?" Big said
"You may." Kim said
Big enter the room and place the coffee on Kim's desk "Khun Kim, Khun Korn said he wants to see you in his office at 8am sharp." Big said bowing to him. " Noted." Kim said waving his hand to dismiss him. Big slowly walk out and close the door behind him.

Kim reluctantly gets off his bed and gets ready as it will be a long day ahead.

8am in Korn office...

Kim's pov

I slowly walk to the door and knock the door. I enter the office. Korn looked at me and quickly stood up " look who's here! Take a sit I haven't seen you for so long." Korn said smiling.

I roll my eyes. That smile it's so fake everything is fake.
I took a sit and stare at my father.
"Why the long face?" Korn asked
" I don't have all day! Get to the point." I said impatiently. He is really getting on my nerves.

" Okay I heard that you have bought Porchay Kittisawasd for a million baht?" Korn asked while sitting down and sipping the coffee.
" Yes I did." I said looking straight into his eyes.

" So did you get any information out from him? Where's Chad?." Korn asked wanting to know more about the information.
" No I did not get the information because Chay lost his memory." I replied.

" Oh that's not good, what do you intend to do Kim?" Korn said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.
" I will wait for him to recover and get the information out of him." I replied
" After you get the information what are you going to do with him?" Korn asked curiously.

" That's none of your concern I have my owns plans! Now if you excuse me I have other things to do!" I said getting up.
" Kim don't get distracted I have high hopes on you." Korn said. I stood up and left the room without looking at him.

I went to Porchay's room to check on him. I saw him sleeping on his bed. I went into his room and sat beside his bed. Looking at him, admiring his beautiful features, his perfect face.

I looked down to his soft and fragile body. I wonder what his body will look like when I undress him and hear him moan my name softly into my ears.

I was so distracted in my thoughts that I didn't even noticed Porchay has woke up.

Third person pov

Porchay woke up and saw someone beside him. He panicked, but soon calmed down as he noticed it's Kim."P, kim? What are you doing here?" Porchay asked curiously.

" I want to bring you to a business party, get ready by 6pm I will see you in my car, I have already asked Big to prepare your clothes. Remember to eat properly, I don't want you to faint in the party" Kim smirked.

Porchay nodded. " I will be in my dungeons finishing up something. Don't be a naughty boy while I'm away, If you don't want to be punished." Kim smirk while walking out ordering some maids about their task.

In Kim's dungeons...

There was a man laying on the ground tied up there's blood all over the floor and his face. He looked lifeless.

Kim sit in a chair and ordered one of the bodyguard to pour cold water km him to wake him up.

" What a pity... it must hurt alot right? Leon, if you just tell me where is Chad is and the Italian information, maybe you won't need to endure so much pain. If you don't want to give me the information then be prepared for what's going to happen next." Kim said smiling evilly.

" I will never tell you! I'm loyal to the Italians. Leon glare at Kim. " Well then you deserve to be tortured!" Saying that he took a knife and slice one of his finger one by one. Screams could be heard from him.

Kim enjoyed it, blood splatter all over him he was drenched in blood. he looked like a psychopath as he then continuously stabbed his chest while laughing loudly like a maniac.
He stare at his work satisfied.

He then order his bodyguard to clean up the mess. While he went to get changed.

 While he went to get changed

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In Kim's car...
Kim's pov

I was in the car waiting for Porchay as he was late. I wanted to get out of the car and search for him but I saw him running to the car and open the door.

" Sorry P'kim, Chay was late. Chay didn't noticed the time!" Porchay said while quickly settling down and catching his breath.

"It's alright don't be late next time, we will be heading to the party. Now you have to listen to me. Stay with me at all times, do not talk untill I ask you too and most importantly do not talk to other people do I make myself clear?" Kim said Sternly.

" Okay P'kim Chay understand!" Porchay replied

On the way to the party, I can't keep my eyes off Porchay. He looks so sexy in his suit that it made me imagine myself fucking him real hard in that suit. Hearing him moan as loudly as ever. His perfect pink plum lips for me to taste. His big and round eyes for me to stare only. His mine....

Hey guys do you like this chapter? I might write some smuts in the next chapter get prepared

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Hey guys do you like this chapter? I might write some smuts in the next chapter get prepared... 😏

( Please don't mind my mistakes 🙏)
See you guys in the next chapter! :)))

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